Monday, December 3, 2007

National Intelligence Estimate about Iran’s Nuclear Program

The NIE report that just came out regarding Iran’s nuclear program will be greeted with a sigh of relief by many who have been worried about the Bush Administration hardliners’ reported push for military action against Iran.

The report judges with high confidence that Iran currently does not have a nuclear weapons program. It further states the intelligence community's lack of knowledge about Iran’s intent to develop nuclear weapons. Also, while it judges with moderate confidence that “Iran would be technically capable of producing enough HEU [highly enriched uranium] sometime during the 2010-2015 time frame," it goes on to say "all agencies recognize the possibility that this capability many not be attained until after 2015.” Finally the report judges with high confidence that Iran will not be technically capable of producing and reprocessing enough plutonium (I assume via its planned heavy water plant in Arak) for a weapon before about 2015.

So the report should undercut (or at least dent) any legitimacy the idea of military action has had in the United States. As such, the report should be seen as part and parcel of the debate that has been going on the in the United States between promoters of coercive diplomacy and military action. And, lo and behold, it can be easily interpreted as coming down on the side of the current policy of the Bush Administration, which is coercive “diplomacy”!

It judges with “high confidence that until fall 2003, Iranian military entities were working under government direction to develop nuclear weapons” and goes on to say, “Our assessment that the program probably was halted primarily in response to international pressure suggests Iran may be more vulnerable to influence on the issue than we judged previously.”

In fact, the text issued today by the national security adviser Stephen Hadley, ends with the statement that the report “suggests the President has the right strategy, intensified international pressure along with the willingness to negotiate… The bottom line is this: for that strategy to succeed, the international community has to turn up the pressure on Iran – with diplomatic isolation, United Nations Sanctions, and with other financial pressure.”

This propitious convergence between the NIE and the Bush Administration’s current policy and the timing of the release of this report, which was according to a piece by Gareth Porter published on November 8 was finished a year ago, can be viewed from a couple of angles. From one angle, as mentioned above, there is the obvious rejection of Dick Cheney's militarily aggressive policy toward Iran.

This may well be the correct angle but, from my point of view, the timing of the public revelation about the support given by the report to Bush’s current policy of sanctions, exactly at a time when some people have been questioning the futility of continuing that policy and have called for direct and unconditional talks with Iran seems, to say the least, questionable.

For the past couple of years I have come to believe that at least some of the talk about military action against Iran has been about limiting the public dialogue about Iran in the United States. By raising the specter of military action, the Bush Administration has been rather successful, at least until recently, in limiting the debate about Iran to two options: coercive “diplomacy” (sanctions) or military action.

What these two options have in common is a determination not to engage with Iran directly without preconditions (i.e. without Iran’s suspension its enrichment program before talks begin). Iran’s recent cooperation with the IAEA and its continued lack of response to the sanctions regime (in its variety of forms) has been pushing a number of people to think in terms of the need for direct talks.

In short, the fact that this NIE can so easily become an instrument in support of the Bush Administration’s current policy raises a few questions for me, including:

• What explains the timing of the release of the report?
• On what basis the report is so confident that “Iranian military entities were working under government direction to develop nuclear weapons”?
• On what basis the report judges that Iran does not currently have a nuclear weapons program?
• Given the report’s position that the halting of Iran’s nuclear weapons program came in 2003 as a result of international pressure, but also under a reformist government, what explains the continued confidence in the halting of the program in 2007 under a government controlled by hardliners?
• Considering that the report’s focus is on the asserted impact of pressure on Iran in halting Iran’s weapons program, how does this relate to the issue at hand which is the use of pressure to halt Iran’s declared non-weapons program; a program that Iran, under reformist and hard-line governments, has refused to abandon despite extensive international pressure?

Let me end by saying that the report does contain a couple of important paragraphs that can be used by supporters of direct and unconditional talks with Iran. It states:

"Our assessment that Iran halted the program in 2003 primarily in response to international pressures indicates Tehran’s decisions are guided by a cost-benefit approach rather than a rush to a weapon irrespective of the political, economic, and military costs. This, in turn, suggest that some combination of threats of intensified international security and pressures, along with opportunities for Iran to achieve its security, prestige, and goals for regional influence in other ways, might – if perceived by Iran’s leaders as credible – prompt Tehran to extend the current halt to its nuclear weapons program… We assess with moderate confidence that convincing the Iranian leadership to forgo the eventual development of nuclear weapons will be difficult… In our judgment, only an Iranian political decision to abandon a nuclear weapons objective would plausibly keep Iran from eventually producing nuclear weapons."

It is noteworthy that the policy recommendations stated here focus on Iran’s weapons program and not the declared program under supervision via NPT’s safeguards agreement. This can be taken as an implied attempted shift away from halting Iran’s nuclear program to the country’s weapons program (through verification and intrusive inspections).

The reference to Iran’s cost-benefit approach as well as the requirement of taking into account Iran’s concerns regarding “security, prestige, and goals for regional influence in other ways” can also be seen as an acknowledgment of Iran’s legitimate concerns and objectives in the region that can only be addressed in direct and unconditional talks.

Finally, the same can be said about the statement that Iran’s nuclear weapons can only be permanently halted politically. It can be argued that only direct and unconditional talks will be “perceived by Iran’s leaders as credible” and will prompt Iran to take that political decision.

But it seems highly unlikely that the Bush Administration will read the NIE in that way. Coercive “diplomacy” will continue to be the name of the game, particularly now that China has reportedly shown signs of agreeing with the next set of sanctions.


Anonymous said...

Iran NIE report: Are you lying now, or were you lying then?

If the 2005 NIE report was wrong when it claimed with "high confidence" that Iran had a active nuclear weapons program, why should the 2007 NIE be any more credible when it claims that Iran had a nuclear weapons program until 2003? If Iran really had a nuclear weapons program until 2003 as the new report claims, then why has the IAEA found no evidence of it? Why should we believe that Iran EVER had a nuclear weapons program at all?

Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves said...

In fact, the text issued today by the national security adviser Stephen Hadley, ends with the statement that the report “suggests the President has the right strategy, intensified international pressure along with the willingness to negotiate… The bottom line is this: for that strategy to succeed, the international community has to turn up the pressure on Iran – with diplomatic isolation, United Nations Sanctions, and with other financial pressure.”"

What? Flog them for something we can't even say that they're doing?

That's pretty sick. But IMHO, none of the FP apparatchik currently working for ANY political party in the U.S. is mentally balanced.

Psych 1: "Negative reinforcement DOES NOT WORK to change behavior patterns in the mid/long term if at all..."

If applied to behavior not existent, it might actually cause that behavior to be exhibited (Spite... ask anyone who's been a child)

Just because the U.S. leaders lie about their strategic intentions does NOT mean that the Iranians are when their top clerics ALL SAY that nuclear weapons are 'un-islamic'.

You want their oil?

They need nuclear power.

It's really that simple, unless we want to keep them in the 'stone age' instead of bomb them to it...

Anonymous said...

The 2005 and 2007 NIEs are radically contradictory.

What does that tell us about NIEs?

Remember, back in 2005 a bipartisan Congressional intelligence panel said that the US had "inadequate intelligence" to make any judgments about Iran's nuclear program. That's probably still the case today, since nothing has changed.

In short, the NIEs are hogwash. There is still no evidence of any nuclear weapons program in Iran; not today, not in 2003, not ever.

And if the Bush administration did have any actual evidence of a nuclear weapons program in Iran, they would be crowing on rooftops with it.

Jack Mitchell said...

Interesting that Iran apparently stopped its (none too advanced) uranium enrichment after the Iraq war revealed that Saddam didn't have any nukes. So obviously Iran, like the rest of the world, had bought into Saddam's WMD bluff. Maybe this goes a ways towards explaining why Saddam was playing that (ultimately suicidal) card -- he must have been afraid that his army (which didn't have any tanks left after the 1st Gulf War) could no longer stop the Iranians. There are about six levels of irony here, given that the US invasion (prompted by Saddam's anti-Iran WMD bluff) has now handed Iraq over to . . . Iran.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jack Mitchell.

Saddam hid the NON-existence of his WMD program because of IRAN, not the US.

Now, we see the reflected response of Iran to the toppling of Saddam.

It should be noted that Iran's
uranium enrichment program continues. They do actually want a civilian nuclear program.

Anonymous said...

Iran's enrichment program had nothing to do with Saddam. It was part of Iran's nuclear development program that started under the Shah.

There is no evidence to support the NIE's claim that Iran had a nuclear weapons program in 2003.

Farideh Farhi said...

I agree that so far no one has shown credible evidence that Iran did indeed have a nuclear weapons program prior to 2003. The IAEA has in fact repeatedly asserted that no evidence of diversion has been found. I would assume that the IAEA will be knocking at the US government's door very soon, if not already, asking for evidence that will help them unravel a program that they have been unable to find and my bet is that nothing will be handed over.

Anonymous said...

They've "Fixed" The NIE "Problem":

"McConnell also said a new national intelligence estimate on Iran should be complete in about a month, but its key findings will not be released publicly. He says doing so could alert Iran to its intelligence vulnerabilities."

They've got muck.
We've got rakes

Anonymous said...

watch Col W Pat Lang explain all about Iran at The UVa Miller Center

one thing he said was that Iran wanted to put a product on the world market -- they came up with a car that didn't do so well. the one thing that they do have that the world wants, is OIL. so it makes sense that Iran is trying to build nuclear power plants for energy -- so they more oil to sell to countries like us.

i believe him more than my president.

-- a mom from SC

Michael Pollak said...

Just as a factual point, the NIE's forecast on when Iran will have "enough" enriched uranium to have a bomb has been superseded by last month's interim IAEA report. I say this as a person who is against both military strikes and coercive economic and political sanctions -- i.e., I don't think that Iran having "enough" fuel to make a bomb should be a trigger for anything. But just in the interest of our side getting our facts straight, I believe the IAEA report (and accompanying material) makes the following points:

1) Iran fed 690kg of uranium feedstock into its enrichment facility between Feb and August, and 550kg between August and November, when the report was released. That suggests that either Natanz is getting bigger, or running more smoothly, or both.

2) The 1240kg total of 0.7 percent pure feedstock should have yielded about 100 kg of fuel-level enriched uranium, at 4-5 percent.

3) Bomb level is 80-90 percent. You can get bomb level enriched uranium from fuel level enriched uranium by feeding it over and over through the enrichment array. It takes a couple of months.

4) To make a simple uranium bomb, you need 20-25kg of bomb-level uranium. To get that, you need about 650kg of fuel-level uranium.

5) All that is to say that, on the basis of the figures that Iran has released to the IEAE, they should have "enough" fuel to make a bomb in less than a couple of years -- i.e., before 2010.

I hasten to add that the IAEA says with high certainty that not a single drop has been diverted. And now, according to the NIE, there has been no bomb development program for years -- and without a bomb device, making the fuel doesn't get you a bomb. And that the best solution to all this is a global compromise between the US and Iran, with the US publicly respecting Iran's sovereignty and giving non-invasion and non-subversion pledges, and lifting all economic sanctions, and Iran in return agreeing to the Additional Protocol, which would all the inspectors to be sure as it is possible to be that bombs were not being made.

But IMHO we should drop the suggestion that Iran is far away from enriching enough to make a bomb. They seem to have actually been surprisingly successful at enrichment lately.

Farideh Farhi said...

Michael, your point is well taken but I think the estimate may not be only based on the quantity of low-enriched uranium that can be produced over a period of time but also the capability of equipment at Natanz to transform the low-enriched uranium into highly enriched uranium. This is at least what the Washington Post story states:

"critical information was gleaned from non-clandestine sources, such as news photographs taken in 2005 depicting the inner workings of one of Iran's uranium enrichment plants, an official said. Those photos helped persuade analysts that the Natanz plant was suited to making low-enriched uranium for nuclear energy but not the highly enriched uranium needed for bombs."

I am not a scientist, so I cannot say if photographs can be this revealing. I also don't get why this information could be gleaned from a photograph and not relayed by the IAEA itself. But the distinction between quantity and the capability to do something with that quantity is reportedly embedded in the estimate.

Anonymous said...

The NIE should be seen as spin, nothing more.

This is what the NIE boils down to:

1- Iran had a secret nuclear weapons program

2- Iran stopped its nuclear weapons program under pressure from the US and Bush

3- We were right all along to pressure Iran about its nuclear weapons program

4- Iran should still be treated as a threat because it can re-start its nuclear weapons program at any time.

None of this is actually true- but makes for good spin especially now that the IAEA hasn't been playing ball. The new spin circumvents the IAEA because whatever the IAEA has said about Iran's nuclear past is treated as a bygone, and instead the focus is shifted on Iran's future "threat" potential - and the IAEA inspectors can't monitor the future so the IAEA becomes conveniently irrelevant.

Michael Pollak said...

I have to admit, Farideh, today's WaPo is a pretty good cite. (BTW, the WaPo URL you gave seems to be cut off, at least in my browser. Here's a Tinyurl:

With the qualification that you are I are just two non-scientists talking, here is my attempt to explain the difference. I think it turns on the fact that this report was supposedly released a year ago. A year ago, everyone's mood was a lot different. Iran was moving much more slowly than people thought. They only had one operational cascade. And one of the reasons that people thought it was going slowly was because they were using P-1 centrifuges, which are supposed to be far inferior to P-2 centrifuges, and to break down a lot. I think that could possibly be what what people were getting at by saying the Natanz plant was suitable for enriching to the level of fuel but not to the level of bombs -- that they thought P-1's were living up to their bad reputation of not being able to take much strain.

Now, however, a year later, when they've managed to install 18 164-centrifuge cascades, and to keep them running, I think the view that the P-1 wouldn't be able to stand the strain has been revised. And that that revised view has happened in the year since the NIE report was written.

That's my guess. Attached below is an excerpt from a CFR interview with David Albright from September 2006 that I think summarizes the general opinion among experts at the time the NIE was written (assuming it was finished a year ago, which I think is still unconfirmed). Albright is a long-time expert and it adds to his credability that he was one of the very few such establishment experts who released a report in March 2003 saying that there was no evidence that Iraq had a nuclear program. Below you can see how he thought a year ago that Iran wasn't getting anywhere and that the P-1 was probably a bust. But when the IAEA report came out last month, he was quoted in the FT as saying that his worst case estimate was now that Iran could "have enough fissile material to make a bomb" in 2009 -- by which I assume he means 650lbs of fuel, and an array that could further enrich it.

At any rate, I am also not a scientist, and welcome any additional clarifying information anyone else has to offer. Part of why I posted was to get my opinion checked.

Below are Albright's comments from his Sep 2006 CFR interview. The interviewer is Bernard Gwertzman.

And keep up the great work, Farideh. You're a real resource on these issues.


Q: On a side issue, how far along is Iran in its own nuclear development?

A: That’s another bright spot and I think that’s one of the things that opens up this idea of pre-negotiations. Last April when I talked to people in the IAEA with knowledge of the program in Iran and people in the United States there was an expectation that by the end of this summer Iran could very well have five or six cascades [a
connected series of machines crucial to enrichment] operating. A cascade would be 164 centrifuges connected together by pipes, but in fact they only have one operational. They didn’t finish the second and third. The first one, which is operational, we estimated from the IAEA safeguards report only operated about 10% of what it could have. They barely have any enrichment going on. You don’t have Iran expanding the pilot plant as was expected last spring and so again you almost have something close to de facto suspension.

So I think Iran isn’t doing much enrichment and therefore for it to suspend enrichment for a few months is not that big of a step. And since there isn’t much enrichment going on I think the Europeans decided that could start a pre-negotiation process with Iran.

Q: How many cascades are necessary to produce enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb?

A: Iran would want about ten to fifteen cascades operating to be able to produce enough highly enriched uranium for a bomb a year. There are a lot of factors in play, but it needs to go considerably further before it has a plant big enough. And the pilot plant may not be the best place to do it. It was designed to hold six cascades that could operate in parallel or simultaneously. That’s what you have to do in a centrifuge plant. It’s not enough to operate one, you have to operate many and they have to operate with common systems. So the pilot plant really isn’t set up to be a production plant. It is certainly not designed to make highly enriched uranium. You could do it, but it would very inefficient.

Q: What’s caused the slowdown?

A: I’m not sure the IAEA knows. Is Iran moving slowly because of technical problems or because it does not want to rock the boat internationally? On the technical side, the kind of centrifuge they are trying to operate, this P-1, which originally was a Dutch design, does not work very well. It’s a tricky centrifuge to get to work particularly in a cascade. Iran may be going slowly because it’s really worried that a lot of centrifuges will break, or that it just won’t enrich properly. That can actually happen when you start to operate the cascade. It may not work efficiently and you end up with far less enriched uranium than you intend or want or it’s not enriched enough and therefore you don’t meet your real goals.

[end excerpt]

Unknown said...

Stop, Look, Think and Analyze
The international intelligence agencies “16” Proved to be brave people. They submitted their report about Iran Nuclear program with a great deal of fairness based on solid facts.
Is it a case of revenge?
Revenge directed at the going of the liars of the Christian -Zionist of the white house.
Any way, it proved that there are many honest people in USA .at least they can be called wise. wise enough to see that their beloved child “ Israel “ is a very dangerous child ,so dangerous that it cares only about itself to the extend that it is ready to put the interests of America , Europe and the whole world at risk ,as long as they will benefit .
Is it fair? Is it wise? Is it acceptable ?
The Israelis are not recognizing or acknowledging that Jesus is a holy man .they are accusing the virgin mery that she was not virgin . They went to worship a statue of gold . They are still the worshipers of gold. But if you look at the other side “Islam” . Every Muslims has to believe that Jesus is a holy man and a brother of Mohamed . Islam is stating that mery is at the highest rank, not only among women but all mankind.
Looks – think –analyze and the final decision is yours.
Do not be deceived by the murderers , the killers not only messengers of God but also the whole humanity .i am not going to believe your bag of lies anymore .

Anonymous said...


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veronika zemanova -
vip tranny -
wifes dream -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
men in pain -
2 dicks in 1 chick -
aimee sweet -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
american day dreams -
amys world -
anetta keys -
ann angel -
annie berry -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
asian stud -
ass fillers -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
bang me boys -
barely twinks -
bath house bang -
bear fur -
bet on lesbian sex -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black reign xxx -
black rods -
black seducer -
blonde bangers -
book worm bitches -
boys casting -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
brunob reloaded -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty christy -
busty milly -
butt divers -
candy black ass -
cassi young -
cheating mommies -
cherry potter -
christine young -
closet cams -
club cytherea -
club peter north -
club vanessa blue -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
cover my face -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
crissy moran -
crotch buffet -
cum and ass -
cute angie -
deep in cream -
dairy of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty show business -
dirty smokers -
doghouse digital -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
europe hotties -
evelyn lory -
evil comics -
face pounders -
fast times atnau -
favorite boys -
feet frenzy -
felicity fey -
flirty pussy -
four finger club -
fuck that asian -
fuck that twink -
gay cartoon -
gay lessons -
girly gangbang -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
guy curious -
handy studs -
hardcore fiesta -
hardcore gangstas -
heavenly knockers -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
huge cock stars -
hungarian honeys -
hungary asses -
ideal boobs -
i love it black -
internal violations -
i want latina -
jana cova -
jizz bomb -
kaci star -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kelly summer -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
latin beef -
lex big cock movies -
lex interracial -
lex movies -
lex on blondes -
lex pov -
lex steele -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
lions den xxx -
load my mouth -
male octane -
mature debutants -
mature lessons -
mature studs -
maximum pills -
melissa doll -
milf wishes -
mili jay -
monica hajkova -
more than a girl -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
nwe porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
nylon butterfly -
only dp -
outdoor backdoor -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
peters cumshots -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
porn week vacations -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
raylene richards -
real drunken boys -
real drunken girls -
real squirt -
sammy sin -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex on hawaii -
shelby bell -
she need pussy -
silverstone video -
silvia saint -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm cocktail -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
str8 hunks -
studs fun -
susana spears -
swallow me pov -
swallow squirt -
sweet amylee -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
tawny roberts -
teen carolina -
the lucky man -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
twink boarding school -
vagina from china -
veronika zemanova -
vip tranny -
wifes dream -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
mikes apartment -
2 dicks in 1 chick -
aimee sweet -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
american day dreams -
amys world -
anetta keys -
ann angel -
annie berry -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
asian stud -
ass fillers -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
bang me boys -
barely twinks -
bath house bang -
bear fur -
bet on lesbian sex -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black reign xxx -
black rods -
black seducer -
blonde bangers -
book worm bitches -
boys casting -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
brunob reloaded -
bubbled black ass -

Anonymous said...

bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty christy -
busty milly -
butt divers -
candy black ass -
cassi young -
cheating mommies -
cherry potter -
christine young -
closet cams -
club cytherea -
club peter north -
club vanessa blue -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
cover my face -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
crissy moran -
crotch buffet -
cum and ass -
cute angie -
deep in cream -
dairy of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty show business -
dirty smokers -
doghouse digital -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
europe hotties -
evelyn lory -
evil comics -
face pounders -
fast times atnau -
favorite boys -
feet frenzy -
felicity fey -
flirty pussy -
four finger club -
fuck that asian -
fuck that twink -
gay cartoon -
gay lessons -
girly gangbang -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
guy curious -
handy studs -
hardcore fiesta -
hardcore gangstas -
heavenly knockers -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
huge cock stars -
hungarian honeys -
hungary asses -
ideal boobs -
i love it black -
internal violations -
i want latina -
jana cova -
jizz bomb -
kaci star -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kelly summer -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
latin beef -
lex big cock movies -
lex interracial -
lex movies -
lex on blondes -
lex pov -
lex steele -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
lions den xxx -
load my mouth -
male octane -
mature debutants -
mature lessons -
mature studs -
maximum pills -
melissa doll -
milf wishes -
mili jay -
monica hajkova -
more than a girl -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
nwe porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
nylon butterfly -
only dp -
outdoor backdoor -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
peters cumshots -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
porn week vacations -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
raylene richards -
real drunken boys -
real drunken girls -
real squirt -
sammy sin -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex on hawaii -
shelby bell -
she need pussy -
silverstone video -
silvia saint -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm cocktail -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
str8 hunks -
studs fun -
susana spears -
swallow me pov -
swallow squirt -
sweet amylee -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
tawny roberts -
teen carolina -
the lucky man -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
twink boarding school -
vagina from china -
veronika zemanova -
vip tranny -
wifes dream -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
milf seeker -
2 dicks in 1 chick -
aimee sweet -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
american day dreams -
amys world -
anetta keys -
ann angel -
annie berry -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
asian stud -
ass fillers -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
bang me boys -
barely twinks -
bath house bang -
bear fur -
bet on lesbian sex -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black reign xxx -
black rods -
black seducer -
blonde bangers -
book worm bitches -
boys casting -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
brunob reloaded -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty christy -
busty milly -
butt divers -
candy black ass -
cassi young -
cheating mommies -
cherry potter -
christine young -
closet cams -
club cytherea -
club peter north -
club vanessa blue -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
cover my face -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
crissy moran -
crotch buffet -
cum and ass -
cute angie -
deep in cream -
dairy of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty show business -
dirty smokers -
doghouse digital -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
europe hotties -
evelyn lory -
evil comics -
face pounders -
fast times atnau -
favorite boys -
feet frenzy -
felicity fey -
flirty pussy -
four finger club -
fuck that asian -
fuck that twink -
gay cartoon -
gay lessons -
girly gangbang -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
guy curious -
handy studs -
hardcore fiesta -
hardcore gangstas -
heavenly knockers -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
huge cock stars -
hungarian honeys -
hungary asses -
ideal boobs -
i love it black -
internal violations -
i want latina -
jana cova -
jizz bomb -
kaci star -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kelly summer -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
latin beef -
lex big cock movies -
lex interracial -
lex movies -
lex on blondes -
lex pov -
lex steele -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
lions den xxx -
load my mouth -
male octane -
mature debutants -
mature lessons -
mature studs -
maximum pills -
melissa doll -
milf wishes -
mili jay -
monica hajkova -
more than a girl -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
nwe porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
nylon butterfly -
only dp -
outdoor backdoor -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
peters cumshots -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
porn week vacations -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
raylene richards -
real drunken boys -
real drunken girls -
real squirt -
sammy sin -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex on hawaii -
shelby bell -
she need pussy -
silverstone video -
silvia saint -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm cocktail -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
str8 hunks -
studs fun -
susana spears -
swallow me pov -
swallow squirt -
sweet amylee -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
tawny roberts -
teen carolina -
the lucky man -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
twink boarding school -
vagina from china -
veronika zemanova -
vip tranny -
wifes dream -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
my naughty latin maid -
2 dicks in 1 chick -
aimee sweet -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
american day dreams -
amys world -
anetta keys -
ann angel -
annie berry -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
asian stud -
ass fillers -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
bang me boys -
barely twinks -
bath house bang -
bear fur -
bet on lesbian sex -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black reign xxx -
black rods -
black seducer -
blonde bangers -
book worm bitches -
boys casting -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
brunob reloaded -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty christy -
busty milly -
butt divers -
candy black ass -
cassi young -
cheating mommies -
cherry potter -
christine young -
closet cams -
club cytherea -
club peter north -
club vanessa blue -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
cover my face -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
crissy moran -
crotch buffet -
cum and ass -
cute angie -
deep in cream -
dairy of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty show business -
dirty smokers -
doghouse digital -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
europe hotties -
evelyn lory -
evil comics -
face pounders -
fast times atnau -
favorite boys -
feet frenzy -
felicity fey -
flirty pussy -
four finger club -
fuck that asian -
fuck that twink -
gay cartoon -
gay lessons -
girly gangbang -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
guy curious -
handy studs -
hardcore fiesta -
hardcore gangstas -
heavenly knockers -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
huge cock stars -
hungarian honeys -
hungary asses -
ideal boobs -
i love it black -
internal violations -
i want latina -
jana cova -
jizz bomb -
kaci star -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kelly summer -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
latin beef -
lex big cock movies -
lex interracial -
lex movies -
lex on blondes -
lex pov -
lex steele -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
lions den xxx -
load my mouth -
male octane -
mature debutants -
mature lessons -
mature studs -
maximum pills -
melissa doll -
milf wishes -
mili jay -
monica hajkova -
more than a girl -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
nwe porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
nylon butterfly -
only dp -
outdoor backdoor -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
peters cumshots -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
porn week vacations -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
raylene richards -
real drunken boys -
real drunken girls -
real squirt -
sammy sin -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex on hawaii -
shelby bell -
she need pussy -
silverstone video -
silvia saint -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm cocktail -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
str8 hunks -
studs fun -
susana spears -
swallow me pov -
swallow squirt -
sweet amylee -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
tawny roberts -
teen carolina -
the lucky man -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
twink boarding school -
vagina from china -
veronika zemanova -
vip tranny -
wifes dream -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
real fucking couples -
2 dicks in 1 chick -
aimee sweet -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
american day dreams -
amys world -
anetta keys -
ann angel -
annie berry -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
asian stud -
ass fillers -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
bang me boys -
barely twinks -
bath house bang -
bear fur -
bet on lesbian sex -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black reign xxx -
black rods -
black seducer -
blonde bangers -
book worm bitches -
boys casting -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
brunob reloaded -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty christy -
busty milly -
butt divers -
candy black ass -
cassi young -
cheating mommies -
cherry potter -
christine young -
closet cams -
club cytherea -
club peter north -
club vanessa blue -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
cover my face -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
crissy moran -
crotch buffet -
cum and ass -
cute angie -
deep in cream -
dairy of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty show business -
dirty smokers -
doghouse digital -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
europe hotties -
evelyn lory -
evil comics -
face pounders -
fast times atnau -
favorite boys -
feet frenzy -
felicity fey -
flirty pussy -
four finger club -
fuck that asian -
fuck that twink -
gay cartoon -
gay lessons -
girly gangbang -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
guy curious -
handy studs -
hardcore fiesta -
hardcore gangstas -
heavenly knockers -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
huge cock stars -
hungarian honeys -
hungary asses -
ideal boobs -
i love it black -
internal violations -
i want latina -
jana cova -
jizz bomb -
kaci star -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kelly summer -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
latin beef -
lex big cock movies -
lex interracial -
lex movies -
lex on blondes -
lex pov -
lex steele -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
lions den xxx -
load my mouth -
male octane -
mature debutants -
mature lessons -
mature studs -
maximum pills -
melissa doll -
milf wishes -
mili jay -
monica hajkova -
more than a girl -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
nwe porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -

Anonymous said...

nubule ones -
nylon butterfly -
only dp -
outdoor backdoor -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
peters cumshots -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
porn week vacations -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
raylene richards -
real drunken boys -
real drunken girls -
real squirt -
sammy sin -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex on hawaii -
shelby bell -
she need pussy -
silverstone video -
silvia saint -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm cocktail -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
str8 hunks -
studs fun -
susana spears -
swallow me pov -
swallow squirt -
sweet amylee -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
tawny roberts -
teen carolina -
the lucky man -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
twink boarding school -
vagina from china -
veronika zemanova -
vip tranny -
wifes dream -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
real orgasms -
2 dicks in 1 chick -
aimee sweet -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
american day dreams -
amys world -
anetta keys -
ann angel -
annie berry -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
asian stud -
ass fillers -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
bang me boys -
barely twinks -
bath house bang -
bear fur -
bet on lesbian sex -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black reign xxx -
black rods -
black seducer -
blonde bangers -
book worm bitches -
boys casting -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
brunob reloaded -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty christy -
busty milly -
butt divers -
candy black ass -
cassi young -
cheating mommies -
cherry potter -
christine young -
closet cams -
club cytherea -
club peter north -
club vanessa blue -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
cover my face -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
crissy moran -
crotch buffet -
cum and ass -
cute angie -
deep in cream -
dairy of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty show business -
dirty smokers -
doghouse digital -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
europe hotties -
evelyn lory -
evil comics -
face pounders -
fast times atnau -
favorite boys -
feet frenzy -
felicity fey -
flirty pussy -
four finger club -
fuck that asian -
fuck that twink -
gay cartoon -
gay lessons -
girly gangbang -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
guy curious -
handy studs -
hardcore fiesta -
hardcore gangstas -
heavenly knockers -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
huge cock stars -
hungarian honeys -
hungary asses -
ideal boobs -
i love it black -
internal violations -
i want latina -
jana cova -
jizz bomb -
kaci star -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kelly summer -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
latin beef -
lex big cock movies -
lex interracial -
lex movies -
lex on blondes -
lex pov -
lex steele -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
lions den xxx -
load my mouth -
male octane -
mature debutants -
mature lessons -
mature studs -
maximum pills -
melissa doll -
milf wishes -
mili jay -
monica hajkova -
more than a girl -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
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my sisters hot friend -
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naughty office -
neighbor affair -
nwe porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
nylon butterfly -
only dp -
outdoor backdoor -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
peters cumshots -
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porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
porn week vacations -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
raylene richards -
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real drunken girls -
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sammy sin -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
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shelby bell -
she need pussy -
silverstone video -
silvia saint -
so cal coeds -
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sperm cocktail -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
str8 hunks -
studs fun -
susana spears -
swallow me pov -
swallow squirt -
sweet amylee -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
tawny roberts -
teen carolina -
the lucky man -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
twink boarding school -
vagina from china -
veronika zemanova -
vip tranny -
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wild tarts -
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xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
my sex tour -
18 magazine -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
amateur erotica -
american day dreams -
amys world -
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ann angel -
ariel rebel -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
banging hard -
bet on lesbian sex -
bft girls -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black seducer -
book worm bitches -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
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bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty milly -
candy black ass -
club cytherea -
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corporate fantasy -
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cream filled models -
creampie mania -
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cum for cover -
cute girl feet -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty smokers -
dripping creampies -
ejaculating babes -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
exclusive tgirls -
face pounders -
fast times at nau -
felicity fey -
four finger club -
gay lessons -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
hirsute world -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot american babes -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
hungarian honeys -
ideal boobs -
internal violations -
interracial -
jizz bomb -
jizz jerk -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
lesbian training -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
mature lessons -
michelle lynn -
movie beast -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
nasty a girl -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naguhty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
new porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
real drunken boys -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex slave -
she needs pussy -
skinny bitches -
smoking dawn -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
studs fun -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
teen bad girls -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
vagina from china -
vip tranny -
wet dreams -
wet lesbian love -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
street ranger -
18 magazine -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
amateur erotica -
american day dreams -
amys world -
andi pink -
ann angel -
ariel rebel -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
banging hard -
bet on lesbian sex -
bft girls -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black seducer -
book worm bitches -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty milly -
candy black ass -
club cytherea -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
cum and ass -
cum for cover -
cute girl feet -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty smokers -
dripping creampies -
ejaculating babes -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
exclusive tgirls -
face pounders -
fast times at nau -
felicity fey -
four finger club -
gay lessons -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
hirsute world -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot american babes -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
hungarian honeys -
ideal boobs -
internal violations -
interracial -
jizz bomb -
jizz jerk -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
lesbian training -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
mature lessons -
michelle lynn -
movie beast -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
nasty a girl -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naguhty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
new porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
real drunken boys -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex slave -
she needs pussy -
skinny bitches -
smoking dawn -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
studs fun -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
teen bad girls -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
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vip tranny -
wet dreams -
wet lesbian love -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
taylor bow -
18 magazine -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
amateur erotica -
american day dreams -
amys world -
andi pink -
ann angel -
ariel rebel -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
banging hard -
bet on lesbian sex -
bft girls -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black seducer -
book worm bitches -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty milly -
candy black ass -
club cytherea -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
cum and ass -
cum for cover -
cute girl feet -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty smokers -
dripping creampies -
ejaculating babes -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
exclusive tgirls -
face pounders -
fast times at nau -
felicity fey -
four finger club -
gay lessons -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
hirsute world -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot american babes -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
hungarian honeys -
ideal boobs -
internal violations -
interracial -
jizz bomb -
jizz jerk -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
lesbian training -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
mature lessons -
michelle lynn -
movie beast -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
nasty a girl -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naguhty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
new porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
real drunken boys -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex slave -
she needs pussy -
skinny bitches -
smoking dawn -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
studs fun -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
teen bad girls -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
vagina from china -
vip tranny -
wet dreams -
wet lesbian love -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
tinys black adventures -
18 magazine -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
amateur erotica -
american day dreams -
amys world -
andi pink -
ann angel -
ariel rebel -
asian 1on1 -

Anonymous said...

asian booty hunters -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
banging hard -
bet on lesbian sex -
bft girls -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black seducer -
book worm bitches -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty milly -
candy black ass -
club cytherea -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
cum and ass -
cum for cover -
cute girl feet -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty smokers -
dripping creampies -
ejaculating babes -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
exclusive tgirls -
face pounders -
fast times at nau -
felicity fey -
four finger club -
gay lessons -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
hirsute world -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot american babes -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
hungarian honeys -
ideal boobs -
internal violations -
interracial -
jizz bomb -
jizz jerk -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
lesbian training -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
mature lessons -
michelle lynn -
movie beast -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
nasty a girl -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naguhty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
new porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
real drunken boys -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex slave -
she needs pussy -
skinny bitches -
smoking dawn -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
studs fun -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
teen bad girls -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
vagina from china -
vip tranny -
wet dreams -
wet lesbian love -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
water bondage -
18 magazine -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
amateur erotica -
american day dreams -
amys world -
andi pink -
ann angel -
ariel rebel -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
banging hard -
bet on lesbian sex -
bft girls -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black seducer -
book worm bitches -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty milly -
candy black ass -
club cytherea -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
cum and ass -
cum for cover -
cute girl feet -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty smokers -
dripping creampies -
ejaculating babes -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
exclusive tgirls -
face pounders -
fast times at nau -
felicity fey -
four finger club -
gay lessons -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
hirsute world -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot american babes -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
hungarian honeys -
ideal boobs -
internal violations -
interracial -
jizz bomb -
jizz jerk -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
lesbian training -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
mature lessons -
michelle lynn -
movie beast -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
nasty a girl -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naguhty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
new porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
real drunken boys -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex slave -
she needs pussy -
skinny bitches -
smoking dawn -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
studs fun -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
teen bad girls -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
vagina from china -
vip tranny -
wet dreams -
wet lesbian love -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
whipped ass -
18 magazine -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
amateur erotica -
american day dreams -
amys world -
andi pink -
ann angel -
ariel rebel -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
banging hard -
bet on lesbian sex -
bft girls -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black seducer -
book worm bitches -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty milly -
candy black ass -
club cytherea -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
cum and ass -
cum for cover -
cute girl feet -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty smokers -
dripping creampies -
ejaculating babes -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
exclusive tgirls -
face pounders -
fast times at nau -
felicity fey -
four finger club -
gay lessons -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
hirsute world -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot american babes -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
hungarian honeys -
ideal boobs -
internal violations -
interracial -
jizz bomb -
jizz jerk -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
lesbian training -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
mature lessons -
michelle lynn -
movie beast -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
nasty a girl -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naguhty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
new porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
real drunken boys -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex slave -
she needs pussy -
skinny bitches -
smoking dawn -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
studs fun -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
teen bad girls -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
vagina from china -
vip tranny -
wet dreams -
wet lesbian love -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
wild fuck toys -
18 magazine -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
amateur erotica -
american day dreams -
amys world -
andi pink -
ann angel -
ariel rebel -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
banging hard -
bet on lesbian sex -
bft girls -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black seducer -
book worm bitches -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty milly -
candy black ass -
club cytherea -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
cum and ass -
cum for cover -
cute girl feet -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty smokers -
dripping creampies -
ejaculating babes -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
exclusive tgirls -
face pounders -
fast times at nau -
felicity fey -
four finger club -
gay lessons -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
hirsute world -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot american babes -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
hungarian honeys -
ideal boobs -
internal violations -
interracial -
jizz bomb -
jizz jerk -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
lesbian training -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
mature lessons -
michelle lynn -
movie beast -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
nasty a girl -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naguhty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
new porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
real drunken boys -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex slave -
she needs pussy -
skinny bitches -
smoking dawn -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
studs fun -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
teen bad girls -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
vagina from china -
vip tranny -
wet dreams -
wet lesbian love -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
xxx pierced -
young models -
wired pussy -
18 magazine -
all anal xxx -
all internal -
amateur erotica -
american day dreams -
amys world -
andi pink -
ann angel -
ariel rebel -
asian 1on1 -
asian booty hunters -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
bad cow boys -
banged moms -
banging hard -
bet on lesbian sex -
bft girls -
bikini dream -
bi sex planet -
black cock challenge -
black machines -
black seducer -
book worm bitches -
boys collection -
boys wedding -
bubbled black ass -
bust a nut on a slut -
busty cafe -
busty milly -
candy black ass -
club cytherea -
college teen creamers -
corporate fantasy -
crazy gay bus -
cream filled models -
creampie mania -
cum and ass -
cum for cover -
cute girl feet -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
dirty smokers -
dripping creampies -
ejaculating babes -
elly jaine -
euro fuck friends -
exclusive tgirls -
face pounders -
fast times at nau -
felicity fey -
four finger club -
gay lessons -
give me pink -
global pornstars -
heavy handfuls -
hegre art -
hentai mania -
hirsute world -
honey chest -
honey school -
hot american babes -
hot movies -
housewife 1on1 -
hq flix -
hungarian honeys -
ideal boobs -
internal violations -
interracial -
jizz bomb -
jizz jerk -
katie fey -
katie kaos -
kristina fey -
kylie teen -
latin adultery -
lesbian training -
lezb teens -
lil latinas -
mature lessons -
michelle lynn -
movie beast -
mr biggz -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sisters hot friend -
nachos killer pussy -
nasty a girl -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naguhty book worms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
new porn talents -
new sensations -
ns all access -
nubule ones -
papa loads -
pass for porn -
pierced hoes -
porn access -
pornstar dreams -
pornstar honeys -
pornstar legends -
pornstar vod -
pov fantasy -
pregnant wishes -
pride access -
pussy chompers -
real drunken boys -
screaming o -
seduced by a cougar -
sex slave -
she needs pussy -
skinny bitches -
smoking dawn -
so cal coeds -
solo stunners -
sperm swap -
squirting 101 -
studs fun -
tabithas toybox -
tanline sex -
teen bad girls -
toon adventures -
trailer trash whores -
true hentai -
true tere -
vagina from china -
vip tranny -
wet dreams -
wet lesbian love -
wild tarts -
world gay -
world mature -
xxx movie files -
xxx panty sniff -
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