Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Post Labor Day Product Rollout: War with Iran (Cross-posted at DailyKos)!

On September 7, 2002, The New York Times White House correspondent Elizabeth Bushmiller treated readers to an explanation of how the Bush administration planned to sell the invasion of Iraq:
White House officials said today that the administration was following a meticulously planned strategy to persuade the public, the Congress and the allies of the need to confront the threat from Saddam Hussein.

The rollout of the strategy this week, they said, was planned long before President Bush's vacation in Texas last month. It was not hastily concocted, they insisted, after some prominent Republicans began to raise doubts about moving against Mr. Hussein and administration officials made contradictory statements about the need for weapons inspectors in Iraq.

The White House decided, they said, that even with the appearance of disarray it was still more advantageous to wait until after Labor Day to kick off their plan.

''From a marketing point of view,'' said Andrew H. Card Jr., the White House chief of staff who is coordinating the effort, ''you don't introduce new products in August.''

A centerpiece of the strategy, White House officials said, is to use Mr. Bush's speech on Sept. 11 to help move Americans toward support of action against Iraq, which could come early next year.
This September 11, we will have the reports from General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, filtered through a White House drafted report.

I watched Vice-President Cheney's speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars on August 26, 2002, in the residence where I was staying in Kabul, Afghanistan. I heard Cheney deliver his famous falsehood:
The Iraqi regime has in fact been very busy enhancing its capabilities in the field of chemical and biological agents. And they continue to pursue the nuclear program they began so many years ago. These are not weapons for the purpose of defending Iraq; these are offensive weapons for the purpose of inflicting death on a massive scale, developed so that Saddam can hold the threat over the head of anyone he chooses, in his own region or beyond.
We know the results.

This year, on August 28, President Bush spoke to another veterans' group, the American Legion. He called Iran "the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism," whose "active pursuit of technology that could lead to nuclear weapons threatens to put a region already known for instability and violence under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust." He concluded:
Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere. And that is why the United States is rallying friends and allies around the world to isolate the regime, to impose economic sanctions. We will confront this danger before it is too late.
But this apparently is just test marketing, like Cheney's 2002 speech. After all "from a marketing point of view, you don't introduce new products in August." Today I received a message from a friend who has excellent connections in Washington and whose information has often been prescient. According to this report, as in 2002, the rollout will start after Labor Day, with a big kickoff on September 11. My friend had spoken to someone in one of the leading neo-conservative institutions. He summarized what he was told this way:
They [the source's institution] have "instructions" (yes, that was the word used) from the Office of the Vice-President to roll out a campaign for war with Iran in the week after Labor Day; it will be coordinated with the American Enterprise Institute, the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, Commentary, Fox, and the usual suspects. It will be heavy sustained assault on the airwaves, designed to knock public sentiment into a position from which a war can be maintained. Evidently they don't think they'll ever get majority support for this--they want something like 35-40 percent support, which in their book is "plenty."
Of course I cannot verify this report. But besides all the other pieces of information about this circulating, I heard last week from a former U.S. government contractor. According to this friend, someone in the Department of Defense called, asking for cost estimates for a model for reconstruction in Asia. The former contractor finally concluded that the model was intended for Iran. This anecdote is also inconclusive, but it is consistent with the depth of planning that went into the reconstruction effort in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I hesitated before posting this. I don't want to spread alarmist rumors. I don't want to lessen the pressure on the Ahmadinejad government in Tehran. But there are too many signs of another irresponsible military adventure from the Cheney-Bush administration for me just to dismiss these reports. I am putting them into the public sphere in the hope of helping to mobilize opposition to a policy that would further doom the efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq and burden our country and the people of the Middle East with yet another unstoppable fountain of bloodshed.


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Anonymous said...

"I don't want to lessen the pressure on the Ahmadinejad government in Tehran." Yeah, keep up the pressure because you are also helping the atmospheric barometer to rise. Keep the pressure on the Ahmadinejad government for what? Just because we can? That government has done us no harm. We made it essential for them to try to have influence in their own neighborhood. What's our excuse? What are we doing in their neighborhood except staking out the oil? And commentators such as yourself help "us" achieve our nefarious ends.

Anonymous said...

This is so clearly a criminal enterprise.

Have they no shame?

opposition radio said...

Bob Baer seconds the warning on the Whitehouse going after Iran this fall - check his excellent interview at Ian Master's Briefing last sunday - essential listening.

mp3 download:

opposition radio said...

more from that interview:

"Officials I talk to in Washington vote for a hit on the IRGC, maybe within the next six months. And they think that as long as we have bombers and missiles in the air, we will hit Iran's nuclear facilities. An awe and shock campaign, lite, if you will... An Administration official told me... "IRGC IED's are a casus belli for this Administration. There will be an attack on Iran.""

gdamiani said...

I agree wit the first message. This comment is to say the least astonishing

"I don't want to lessen the pressure on the Ahmadinejad government in Tehran."

Same comments that allowed Clinton and Albright go scot-free with the murder of Iraqis through the criminal blockade.

Translation Bush does not know how to do it we are better at it ...

Anonymous said...

An attack on Iran will only be possible with some degree of support from the American people. Unfortunately, such support can be created easily through the mainstream media. If only the public was not so easily manipulated...

David Seaton's Newslinks said...

Insanity is defined by repeating the same actions over and over and expecting a different result.

Bush slipstreamed behind the 9-11 outrage to get the USA into Iraq. No such outrage exists today. Bush had something like 90% popularity ratings back then and he's nearly into single digits now. Failure in Iraq has made more Americans skeptical about war as a "video game". Any support Fox and co can drum up will be very, very soft and fugitive and will evaporate quickly at the first reversals and they will come thick and fast as Iran is not Iraq or Panama. Iran is a big country with a modern, layered, Russian air defense system.

In saying this I don't mean that Bush wont go to war, because the Israeli lobby demands it and they have Bush by the nads, only that it will unravel much faster this time.

Barnett R. Rubin said...

When I tslk about pressure on the Ahmadinejad government, I am not talking about military threats. I'll write about this later. But our opposition to the Cheney-Bush administration need not blind us to threats posed by others. Many people in Iran, including officials of the government and supporters of the Islamic revolution, consider Ahmadinejad's policies very dangerous. The effective way to oppose these policies would be to combine pressure with engagement, above all by making it clear that forcible regime change is not a goal of U.S. policy.

Fred in Vermont said...

It seems to me that before any such strike against Iran a responsible military would need to do some reconfiguration of our forces in Iraq.

Unless of course part of the idea is that with our troops facing some "unexpected" spike in violence the American people would forget their opposition to the occupation.

Anonymous said...

I note that some feel this saber-rattling may be a pose to focus attention on all the negatives of a military attack and to make accepting another level of sanctions to appear quite acceptable in the Security Council. There's a bit of a pattern in this regard.

George Buddy said...

Re: Mr. Rubin's comment: "Many people in Iran, including officials of the government and supporters of the Islamic revolution, consider Ahmadinejad's policies very dangerous."

That's true.

What else is true is that there have been so many warnings from good people (Sy Hersh, many others)that it's on the verge of happening, will happen, anytime now . . . and nothing happens.

I don't see how Bush can bomb nuclear facilities in Iran; that's an act of war. "He can't just go around starting wars, can he?"

Nah, Bush has shot his bolt.

Don Bacon said...

The WaPo is leading the way again, this time with false stories about explosive bombs and Revolutionaty Guard forces.

The lead editorial in the Washington Post on August 21st was: Tougher on Iran : According to the Pentagon, one-third of the U.S. troops who died in Iraq last month -- 23 soldiers -- were killed by "explosively formed penetrators," sophisticated bombs supplied by Tehran. Iran also delivers rockets and other weapons to Shiite militias; on Sunday, Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch said that about 50 members of the Revolutionary Guard Corps were operating in the area south of Baghdad, where they are "facilitating training of Shiite extremists."

Major General Lynch on EFP's in Iraq: We're doing things like looking at tool marks on these EFPs and the source of the explosives and the manufacturing capability, and those EFP components are coming to Iran -- coming from Iran into Iraq, and they're killing Iraqis, and they're killing the coalition soldiers. . . what we're finding is distinct marks that could only be created by machinery and capabilities coming out of Iran. So there's no doubt in my mind when I talk about EFP components being manufactured in Iran and coming into Iraq and then assembled inside of Iraq to attack our soldiers and Iraqi security force soldiers and innocent Iraqis . . And there are indeed manufacturing marks on these munitions that could only have come from a place like Iran, the only place they could have come. They couldn't have been manufactured here in Iraq. They are being assembled here in Iraq.

Major General Lynch on Iranians in Iraq: We assess that there are 50 or so Iranian and Iraqi operatives working for Iran in our area, about 20 of which who we are actively targeting. . . What I believe in my battlespace is I've got IRGC surrogates, people that have been trained by the IRGC in Iran who've come back in Iraq to conduct acts of violence, and I believe I got some members of the IRGC, some Iranians, who are working in our battlespace. And what they do is they transit the battlespace. They don't come in and they stay, but they're going back and forth. The primary concern, as I say, is the number 50; the good majority of those are IRGC surrogates. They're operatives that have been trained by the IRGC. . . Having said that, I do believe that at any given time, I got up to about 20 Iranians working in our battlespace, you know, either training Iraqis to conduct acts of violence or conducting those acts of violence themselves, and we're working detailed targeting on all those people.

So we have General Lynch's "distinct marks that could only be created by machinery and capabilities coming out of Iran" and "EFP components being manufactured in Iran" and "no doubt in my mind when I talk about EFP components being manufactured in Iran and coming into Iraq and then assembled inside of Iraq" converted by the WaPo to ""explosively formed penetrators, sophisticated bombs supplied by Tehran".

We also have General Lynch's "50 or so Iranian and Iraqi operatives working for Iran" or "IRGC surrogates" or "some members of the IRGC, some Iranians" or "operatives that have been trained by the IRGC" or "Iranians" or " up to about 20 Iranians working in our battlespace" transformed by the WaPo into "about 50 members of the Revolutionary Guard Corps".

President Bush has continued the false story on explosive devices, most recently at the American Legion Convention: "Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are supplying extremist groups with funding and weapons, including sophisticated IEDs. . .Those had to come from Iran."

Bottom line: No proof that explosive penetrator components have come from Iran and no firm facts on Iranian operatives in Iraq have been maliciously transformed into larger lies by the Washington Post and are now being repeated all through the media.

Don Bacon said...

Correct link on Bush speech:

Anonymous said...

"I don't want to lessen the pressure on the Ahmadinejad government in Tehran." Keep the pressure on the Ahmadinejad government for what? Everyone knows by now these wars are for Israel. If you are fighting in Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan, you are fighting for ISRAEL to secure the oil. Not the USA. Make no mistake.

Anonymous said...

Ummm, Mr Rubin - even Iranian dissidents like Ganji and Ebadi have said that the US "pressure on Ahmadinejad" is counter-productive and harmful to fostering democracy in Iran.

So don't shed tears for the Iranians - they don't want your kind of pressure. They want engagement, and as long as Israel opposes that, then the US isn't able to engage Iran. Its the Israelis who are pushing us into a war on Iran, just as it was the pro-Israeli lobby that pushed us into a debacle in Iraq.

Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves said...

3 words and a punctuation: Leave Iran Alone!

Anonymous said...

Must-see tunnelvision!

Anonymous said...

To the commenter who said there is no 'outrage' which the Busheviks can use to point the American people against Iran: that's why Chertoff has a 'gut feeling' there will be another terrorist attack here. Especially since he's left the border open with Mexico for over half a decade while citizens here have to take their shoes off and get strip searched to board a passenger plane.

There has been a concerted effort by propagandist sitcom producers (Jericho, 24, NCIS), GOP faithful crowing for new attacks along with the recent Ari Fleisher BS special commercials, all of which are driving home this 'inevitability' of a new domestic terror strike.

Even the evenening news has gotten into the act with all the supposed Al-qaeda cells setting up shop according to 'intelligence sources.' These scumbags will keep getting away with killing their own people to make money so long as most sheep in this country refuse to consider that their leaders don't have their best interests in mind.

In short, there will be another deliberate staged terror event, and the government will conveniently find Ahmadinejad's home cell phone number programmed into the phone of one of the captured patsies. Thus you will have your somewhat plaudible 'cassus belli'

Anonymous said...

That's the Background Briefing link for Ian Masters mentioned above.

Barnett R. Rubin said...

When I use the word "pressure" I don't mean threats aimed at causing "regime change." The combination of engagement and pressure to attain an objective is a normal diplomatic practice. It could be used by the U.S. toward Iran and is used by Iran toward the U.S. This is the context in which the two parties can bargain and reach agreements. Iranian dissidents don't want threats of regime change or subversive funding to promote some neo-con scenario. They would like realistic engagement with Iran to help curb some of the policies of the current government, which are now becoming more extreme under the impact of Bush/Cheney's policies.

Anonymous said...

Many people in Iran, including officials of the government and supporters of the Islamic revolution, consider Ahmadinejad's policies very dangerous. The effective way to oppose these policies would be to combine pressure with engagement, above all by making it clear that forcible regime change is not a goal of U.S. policy.

Want to know THE best way to totally deflate Ahmadinejad's sails? Apologize for overthrowing their democratically elected and very popular Premier Mossadeq and inflicting the dictator Shah upon them. THEN push hard for rapprochement with no strings. No trying to force an oil law upon them, no trying to force them to accept a Disney franchise, nothing. Tell them we want peace and economic ties, no strings.

Doing THAT would turn the Great Satan into the Great Puppy. Instead of feeding the fires in the bellies of the Ahmadinejads of Iran, keep throwing water on it and turn their fiery rhetoric hollow.

In short, quit acting as if we are entitled to ANYTHING they have. Quit acting as if we own the world or that it is "out way or the highway".

Anonymous said...

"I don't want to spread alarmist rumors. I don't want to lessen the pressure on the Ahmadinejad government in Tehran."

Ummm.... Ahmadinejad, like Bush and any other so-called world-leader are nothing more than puppets, and to insist upon treating them otherwise is to ignore the fact that you are in the audience of a puppet show.

I wonder, just who benefits from your fear of applying/not applying pressure to the puppets?

While apathy is a comfortable disease, the cognitive dissonance it creates can lead otherwise intelligent people to insist that puppetry is an acceptable substitute for reality. Once that lie is believed, then all sorts of other insane ideas can be instilled into broken people, like the idea that self-destruction is the path to personal freedom.

This war will happen, regardless of what you say, or do, if the puppeteer deems it to be in his best interest.

Too bad you don't care who that is...


Unknown said...

re "Its [sic] the Israelis who are pushing us into a war on Iran, just as it was the pro-Israeli lobby that pushed us into a debacle in Iraq": cf Gareth Porter, Asia Times Online ( Aug 30 for a crucial distinction. The Israelis, according to an interview with Powell's chief of staff Wilkerson, relayed by Porter, at most acquiesced in the attack on Iraq. They seemed to be aware that Israel was stronger with respect to Iraq in 2003 than it had been in 1991. The Israeli likudists, as opposed to the American, wanted to go directly at Iran; no doubt in large part because of Iran's role in Hezbollah's evicting Israel from Lebanon. I think the Israeli likudists are culpable for much of our disastrous Middle Eastern policy, but we don't need to go to Israel to find those responsible for actionable fantasies of an Israeli-friendly regime in Baghdad.

Israel may want us to strike Iran, but so may the Saudis. So may Boeing and Lockheed Martin, and Halliburton. And Exxon Mobil.

Cheney may be willing to go ahead with 40-45% support from the population, but will the military guys? Weren't they asking for more unanimity in the post-Vi
etnam days? or is that not as necessary now that we've got centralized news control?

Any U.S. Senator who goes along with a Cheney proposal for a military strike on Iran should check into the home for the criminally incompetent.

towanda said...

Another made up war for profitering.Iran belongs to the non-poliferation treaty and has the right to peaceful use of nuclear tecnologies,unlike Isreal who has never signed it,never has once had inspections,and even denies having nuclear wepons even though it is widely know that they do.
When will the American people wake up and stop these mad men from destroying this and other Country's.I doubt ever as long as corporate elites, and the powers behind the curtains pull the strings of our so-called elected government.
America has been killed and put out of it's misery.The final blow delivered by the Bush cabal in dismanteling of the constitution and the bill of rights.
Welcome to the Corporate elitist country of the north!!!

Anonymous said...

Brown formerly of FEMa, is on record talking to the Zionist stooge Blitzer; 'I notified Chertoff, and the President, we did not have the capability of dealing with a large scale catastrophe'. Considering that, after three years not much has been changed in New Orleans, and that city remains pretty much devastated as it was. Noting that currently the defeats in Iraq, and soon in Afghanistan are well understood at the ground level, despite the homilies of the glory hunting generals projecting their own versions of reality as prescribed by their civilian masters. Taking account of the mortgages fraud, and the clear lack of trust in making good the monies owed.

It is no surprise to find the hot air index rising, fanned by the Zionist coattail hangers. As already mentioned, Bu$h enjoyed ninety percent popularity after the WTCs turned to dust. He had done nothing other than turning up in the place to deliver the line; 'America can hear you'. The ascendancy of incompetence in US, that has only been made probable by the belief that elevates stupidity as a virtue. Has now found new depths to plumb, by the daily threats of attacks on Iran. Fact that any such attack would certainly escalate in a very short time to a full and final global conflict, has not gone missing on the bellicose poker players, whom verily believe their luck shall never run out, but just in case, these have diverted a full military division to D.C. to man the 'sophisticated equipment' around that joint. Although, this placement means little in the face of Brown's statement.

However, as we debate, the questions are not about; the fifty millions of citizenry, whom have no medical insurance. What about seven millions of the same, whom soon will have no homes? What about the billions of dollars in funds that have been criminally divested from their rightful owners, that is 'we the people' to be spent on killing more than one million Iraqis, and displacing more than five million of them as refugees, which in fact are ratios of genocide as per the legal definitions of this evil? what about the billions more tha have been allocated for aid to Israel (free money) with no strings attached?

Alas, we are debating that where or whom will our el presidente, and his Duracell deputy el presidente, along with their merry band of mercenary Zionists in attendance, will be attacking next.

Let us face it, US is in no position to start going down the path of yet another misadventure, yet the deluded lunatics in charge are prepared to gamble away even more. After all show me anyone whom can be, ever so careful with other peoples' money ie. our money, the monies that belong to we the people?

Those in charge have found it a lot more easier to run the rest of the world, leaving US to run herself, hence the bridges falling, crime rising, homes getting repossessed, and markets getting rigged, in short, US is gradually becoming Afghanistan, just like Russia became not many years ago.

these threats, and alarms, are just to draw attention away, from all the troubles in US, and a certain defeat in Iraq. Hence Iran is serving as a good whipping boy, while the Zionist mercenaries are busy fishing in these murky waters.

PS. this morning Norway started pumping gas out of their newly drilled wells in Arctic, while issuing a friendly advice to the world leaders; follow the rule of law, if only to avoid a confrontation. Which decoded means, better get used to it, they are enjoying their wealth.

Anonymous said...

According to the Likudniks Ahmadinejad has to go because he is the new Hitler who doesn't believe in the sacred holocaust. According to Bibbi it is 1938 once more.

Exposing this sacred cow for what it is, is the Achilles heel of the West. Ahmadinejad knows it the West knows it and the West will do everything to maintain the greatest lie of the 20th century. failing that will bring the entire rotten edifice down around their heads.

Anonymous said...

I agree with others that this attack has been about to happen any day now for the past few years. However, it would be interesting if Barnett would lay out what the benefits of such an attack would be and to whom. Obviously, part of this simply ideological and relates to the need to project power, as they say, but what are the specific reasons why Cheney would want to do this and why now (besides it being his last chance to do so)?

Furthermore, I must admit that I find disturbing the anonymous postings about the Israel lobby and such. We can be critical of Israel without hiding our identity, unless perhaps we feel guilty about engaging in conspiracy theories which sound a bit too anto-Semitic to even those posting them, who thus out of guilt have to hide their identity.

Don Bacon said...

According to the Likudniks Ahmadinejad has to go because he is the new Hitler

The 25,000+ Jews living in Tehran ought to be the first targets of the 'new Hitler', no? Actually they see no threat to themselves and apparently enjoy life under the mullahs--they have resisted Israeli bribes to emigrate. Thirty synagogues, six kosher butcher shops, the only significant Jewish community in an Islamic country--life is good.

Unknown said...

This is to serve as a warning to those that wish to pursue the enslavement path. You are to seize and desist. Should you wish to ignore this suggested action, you would be well informed to know that those opposing your goals can not and will no longer simply stand by and watch any more. War is what you will get if you ignore us! Be warned!!!

Anonymous said...

It's not that American's are so easily manipulated so much as that most of white America is just simply so mother fucking stupid and can't even figure out right from wrong. At least dumb enough for Cheney, that 1 out of 5 of you can't pinpoint your New World Order satanic governments home base State, because most American's don't know where on a globe or world map , the country they abide in. Man, you people must be really, really, really stupid. No wonder the government can get away with murder and plans for more death and desruction. The only thing that can stop America now is of course, Instant Karma.
And it looks like it's headed your way, melon-heads.

"Ohhh. loook!! Paris Hilton is on TV mommy, I wanna bee just like her when I grow up. Ohh, and there's a sale on at the mall!"

Let freedom reign...
Hell down on you.

Unknown said...

I predict that the immediate justification for an attack on Iran will be serious damage done to one or more US ships in the Persian Gulf, allegedly done by Iran (cf the alleged North Vietnam attacks on US ships in the Gulf of Tonkin in August of 1964).
Aloha ~~~ Ozzie Maland ~~~ San Diego

Anonymous said...

An attack on Iran is paramount to the PNAC/AEI regime. They've been proclaiming their nefarious deeds since the early 80's. I highly suggest all readers to remember 1981.

Do you remember...Israel attacking the Iraqi nuclear facility? Why? Because Saddam was proclaiming the death of Israel..much like today with Iran. Israel will not stand for this, nor will the US. Sad, but true..the dominoes are all lined up. They are just waiting for the right moment to be pushed.

Please read the following artilce

Then take a look at my full blog.

Howard Swerdloff said...

Too bad about the large number of simple-minded posts that seek to explain everything the US does as the result of an Israeli conspiracy. Sounds like the tail-wagging the dog to me.

That our right-wing extremists agree with Israel's right-wing extremists should come as no surprise to anyone.

Too bad too, that the Israeli lobby's actual complicity in this fiasco will result --as usual--in people "blaming the Jews" --most of whom oppose this war and have from the start.

Damian Lataan said...

For a full explanation as to why the US and Israel must go to war against Iran and Syria see here:

Anonymous said...

Nobody needs to tap the floor or wave their hand under the stall doors of the Oval Outhouse to convince me of their intent. I only need to know the answer to two questions:

1) Are Cheney-Bush still in office?


2) Does Iran have oil?

That says war is coming. In fact, the botched occupation told me they never had a postwar plan for Iraq except the building of bases. Because the real target all along has been Iran.

Cheney wants to refight any conflict the US lost. So after Iran, Vietnam, Korea and the Northern Union states in the US are at risk.

I recommend you fill up your cars on 9/10 and see if it'll get you to Canada for a 16 month vacation.

Anonymous said...

The most important piece of evidence that the next 9/11 will be a nuke that hits Washington DC is the fact that the FBI and other federal agencies are moving outside of the Washington DC nuclear blast and fallout zone, something that did not happen even at the height of the Cold War.

Bush and Cheney are making preparations for the event that Congress is wiped out by a nuke:
Some of those preparations are being kept secret from Congress:

Remember, the person who conducted the anthrax attack against Congress and specifically against the senators who were holding up passage of the Patriot Act is still at large. Because he had access to weapons-grade anthrax from a government facility, he might also be able to get a nuke from the government. And the FBI is refusing to provide Congress with an update on the status of its anthrax "investigation" apparently because the anthrax attacker could be useful in the next 9/11 Operation Northwoods-style attack.

Anonymous said...

It's Jews like Abramoff that hate war, 'cause his ass is sitting in prison. But it's Jews like Libby, Kissenger, the guy who owned the twin towers, and many more on the neo-con party list know that war and the brains to get there, creates a hefty bank account.

Anonymous said...

This post adds a piece to the puzzle earlier reported at Hope I'm getting the picture wrong.

Anonymous said...

It's one thing to push around a bunch of patriotic and decent if undereducated people who need the money, but I have to wonder how the American world would change if all these blowhards really stomped hard on the lives of the collegiate set. I think it would be like these people fouling their own nests. Things like that Duke rape story and the subsequent payoffs would probably contain such a huge stigma from resentful future yuppies that that BS would never be attempted again.

Something to think about.

Anonymous said...

We were supposed to be at war with Iran and Syria by 2005. We should have already conquered Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. We need to be in a position to take on North Korea by 2012, though we would be reluctant as they actually have WMDs. Or would it be easier to finish what we started in Cuba first?

I digress, I meant to scald all of you for emboldening the enemy.


Anonymous said...

Living in Canada and watching all this unfold, all I can ask is when will you people take your country back? Time to turn off the TV and not let them 'entertain' and dumb you down while they steall all your freedoms. Start getting involved.

dcm said...

Paul Craig Roberts

White House preparing to stage new September 11 - Reagan official


WASHINGTON, July 20 (RIA Novosti) - A former Reagan official has issued a public warning that the Bush administration is preparing to orchestrate a staged terrorist attack in the United States, transform the country into a dictatorship and launch a war with Iran within a year.

Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, blasted Thursday a new Executive Order, released July 17, allowing the White House to seize the assets of anyone who interferes with its Iraq policies and giving the government expanded police powers to exercise control in the country.

Roberts, who spoke on the Thom Hartmann radio program*, said: "When Bush exercises this authority [under the new Executive Order], there's no check to it. So it really is a form of total, absolute, one-man rule."

"The American people don't really understand the danger that they face," Roberts said, adding that the so-called neoconservatives intended to use a renewal of the fight against terrorism to rally the American people around the fading Republican Party.

Old-line Republicans like Roberts have become increasingly disenchanted with the neoconservative politics of the Bush administration, which they see as a betrayal of fundamental conservative values.

According to a July 9-11 survey by Ipsos, an international public opinion research company, President Bush and the Republicans can claim a mere 31 percent approval rating for their handling of the Iraq war and 38 percent for their foreign policy in general, including terrorism.

"The administration figures themselves and prominent Republican propagandists ... are preparing us for another 9/11 event or series of events," he said. "You have to count on the fact that if al Qaeda is not going to do it, it is going to be orchestrated."

Roberts suggested that in the absence of a massive popular outcry, only the federal bureaucracy and perhaps the military could put constraints on Bush's current drive for a fully-fledged dictatorship.

"They may have had enough. They may not go along with it," he said.

The radio interview was a follow-up to Robert's latest column, in which he warned that "unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the U.S. could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran."

Roberts, who has been dubbed the "Father of Reaganomics" and has recently gained popularity for his strong opposition to the Bush administration and the Iraq War, regularly contributes articles to Creators Syndicate, an independent distributor of comic strips and syndicated columns for daily newspapers.

Anonymous said...

Politically dem leadership hope for attack on Iran to cement gop defeat in 08 (also pre-satisfy Israel so they won't have to). Military attack on Iran is all but inevitable. Bush is an individual who is without a sense of consequence. Like most things they try, there will be unforseen consequences, none of them positive, for either him, his party, the US or the world. If indeed he goes through with it, he will be "allowed" to do so for short-sighted electoral political reasons. The dems are in a "give him enough rope" mode because they are without a cohesive strategy and cannot speak with a single voice on any level regarding foreign policy. GOP still can, though the sand is dissolving beneath their feet as the wave goes out. The wild card is another terrorist event, which can provide cover for Iran strike (though it will be shortlived - which is all Bushies want or need, in service to Israel and Bush's warped sense of legacy). In short, at high govt levels, there is little political fortune to be made by anyone attempting to thwart Operation Iranian Liberation. It will only be stopped by the American public en masse. Odds are against that. Bush will end term with a new war.

Anonymous said...

Those who write "Many people in Iran,...consider Ahmadinejad's policies very dangerous." know nothing about Iranian politics. Those who use the word "dangerous" in order to manipulate ignorant Americans and prepare them for another Zionist War must know that they have already been exposed as Zionists. Ahmadinejad was elected by Iranian people against a corrupt businessman Rafsanjani who is supported by well to do Iranians who find "free trade" American style very useful to get rich quickly on expense of others, that's why they are against Ahmadinejad's policy of fighting corruption. US alwasys looking for corrupt businessman as a facilitator. Now, if you think his policy of fighting corruption and defending the enrichment for the nuclear energy which is Iran's right under the NPT is "dangerous" then what do you think about Bush and his associates, the Zionist neocon, who have invaded many Islamic countries and have killed millions of people and have produced millions more as refugee for oil and changing the map of M.E for the mass murderers of palestinians? American have invaded countries on the other side of the glob and Israelis are killing Palestinaians everyday in their own land. Then where do we should bobm first if we must? If we do this I assure you that Iran would not be next or 10 since we have plently of targets before thinking about Iran.

Anonymous said...

Would the administration be so desperate as to undertake a false flag operation of terrorism or a "Gulf of Tonkin" type event to swing American opinion against iran?

Someone seems to have bet billions of dollars that the Stock Market will crash before September 21st. Does someone, somewhere, know something we don't?

That's what alarms me.

Anonymous said...

With the big 9/15/07 march in Washington, will Bush really try something on 9/11/07 or will the attack come on 9/15/07 on the anti-war marchers?

Anonymous said...

How considerate of the left to aggregate and present itself for relocation and re-education, just as the Reichstag starts to cool....

This would be a good time to buy a copy of Soldier of Fortune Magazine.

If BLACKWATER is running full page ads for large domestic hires, start sewing those diamonds into your clothes and learn to speak Canadian.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading this post by Rubin and the comments it generated. My feeling is that The American People are far more intelligent , far more sensitive than their alleged intellectual superiors producing propaganda for elites either in Academia or in "Think Tanks".

Just look at this article by Two think tank hacks in Washington Post and the comments it generated.

It is high time the people kick out these mediocrities who continue to lecture you on every subject under the sun, no matter how many times they are proved wrong.
So Rubin wants to keep the "pressure" on Iranian Regime.These liberals can't blame everything on Bush Cheney Gang. They too share the blame. They have no problem when Democratic Presidents violate international law.

Anonymous said...

Remeber Sharon's instructions to Bush: "After Iraq, Iran!"
( )

To those of you who think the Israel Lobby's pressure to get the US into a war is merely "anti-semitic conspiracy theories" I suggest you look up the last AIPAC meeting transcripts where they embraced that extremist warmongering nutcase Rev. Hagee or read Walt/Mearsheimer's book. The Israeli Lobby exists - it is a fact. AIPAC was rated as the second most powerful lobby after AARP by Fortune Magazine. Our Mideast policy is directly shaped by Israel, for their benefit and to our cost. Lots of Jews may disagree with the Israeli Lobby - but that's irrelevant - the Israeli Lobby still exists despite them.

Anonymous said...

Another war for Israel. American blood sacrificed for Zion again. People of Iran and America are friends. Both suffer from governmnets they dislike!

tc said...

Any chance that the chiefs of staff will stand up to this madness from the Cheney administration and set off a constitutional crisis? I think they're our last hope.

Anonymous said...

Ahmadinejad thrives on pressure. He justifies his existence by being the one facing external pressure for the advancement of the Islamic Republic. The best way to deflate the situation is to ignore him and treat him as another head of state. Put the burden on him. Now we know that ain't happening any time soon as Bush and Ahmadinejad need each other to justify their actions.

Anonymous said...

The comments section provides a window into the current link between leftists and antisemitism. Very ugly "company" you attract Mr. Rubin.

Anonymous said...

It is remarkable how one 60-odd post thread can contain so many ravings of paranoic lunatics spewing all sorts of conspiracy theories, jew-baiting exercises, armageddon prophecies, etc...

But then again perhaps somewhat excusible given the staggering incompetence of the Bush/Cheney foreign policy.

Anonymous said...

Bush and Cheney don't dare to attack Iran. Nobody in this Republican administration has the guts, the wisdom or the motivation to do the needed job of knocking out Iran's nuclear (weapons) program. This whole blogging is pointless.

Unknown said...

Whether this particular warning will prove correct or not is less important than to understand how the general context of the War on Terror will produce these thrusts toward an attack on Iran even after the specific political insanity of the Bush-Cheney team is brought to an end after the next election. The War on Terror is comprised of swarms of special interests feeding on the fear, money, and political points to be scored by being tough on the terrorists. But it has taken on a life of its own,and needs another big attack to survive. The best way to get one, by far, is for the US to attack Iran. That really will produce a serious terrorist threat against the US and guarantee the War on Terror's continuation for a generation. For this argument elaborated and my prediction eighteen months ago of the constant pressures that would ensue for an American attack on Iran see my book TRAPPED IN THE WAR ON TERROR, or go to

Ian Lustick

ladybroadoak said...

Dear Skippy,

Amen. The stories of the rise of Blackwater, Greystone and Garda are enough to convince anyone you are SO right. The summit in Montebello recently should have gotten everyone interested in the extraordinary steps the "special intestests" will go to ensure opposition to globalist plans will never get heard. The President of the Competitiveness Council is from Lockheed Martin.

Still to my mind the truly enlightened -- frightened out of the wits that there will not be a next generation -- must be writing to get diplomatic efforts in place NOW. No one seem cognizant of the what is entailed in this "new" "type" of war and how destructive the weapons and the military "personnel" (mercenaries) really are.

Isreali aggression has been largely tied to getting WATER and ensuring that its jets are fueled. This demand for free energy for their war machine is being supplied by Canadians!! Meanwhile, the Harper government, looking to build its own diabolic dynasty, is provoking the populace by ramming the North American Union (now euphemistically called the Security and Prosperity Partnership) down our throats. This can only serve to keep the Security frenzy (cloaked in humanitarian concerns rationales) ratcheted up to fever pitch. Strange to say, but the WATER issue is front and forward in The Plan for North American hegemony. The corporate powers that be so desire easy ways to move their military materiales around, that they have attacked Bush and Harper on this issue; this includes DRUGS to stupify the population.

For those who are not familiar with this site, let me refer everyone to to see just what is REALLY transpiring these days as no one can rely on the mainstream media for information for obvious reasons. They make a mint of money off advertising for warmongers.

dilbertgeg said...

Google "Straussians".
takeoverworld dotinfo

Nuff said.

However, be aware they

a) hate democracy
b) do not care about Rule of Law
c) do not care about Nation, except in terms of the "Greatness" of their own clique
d) support a global "Waffen SS" (Ledeen)
e) support war as an organizing principle

Tri-Lateralists are a close 2nd, but they like making money and improving actual stability.

If Bushco bombs Iran unilaterally, even without support of the populace or parts of Congress, then America and American people will be FORCED to go along for the ride. That's the gamble, and the gamble that they will never see the gallows, because the people behind them are too powerful.

Americans who resist will be dealt with, whatever the political cost. Americans who aid any resisters will also be dealt with.

Escalation to infinity is not a problem, rather welcomed. Limits, common sense, facts, all else is for sissies.

In a nutshell, they don't give a fuck. Period.

Anonymous said...

Its time to take another look at 9/11 which was the catalyst for all of this insanity.

Anonymous said...

No ONE has mentioned what the imminent attack on, and subsequent war with, Iran willl translate into vis-a-vis China, Russia, Pakistan and Venezuela. There'd be a revolt in Pakistan and a coup by religious fundamentalists. The other three nations referenced would, in concert, CRIPPLE our oil supplies and swallow up Europe's energy imports, as the Strait of Hormuz would close, giving Russia the kingpin role in global energy. Are Bush & Cheney ready to take those four nations out as well?

Anonymous said...

Whilst one could summise that the Gulf dictators would be happy with Iran's destruction, their fear of Iran appeased. An attack on Iran would create a worlwide muslim groundswell of anger and radicalisation far beyond measure or connection the aggressive act itself, with self-propelling negative ramifications for every corner of the world. Their is no smart a** real-politik to justify such an outcome.

Anonymous said...

In order to oppose these neoconservative wars we need to understand the neocon mind. At it's heart is Leo Strauss and his desire that society be based on the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). Here's a link to an article that documents this:
Thanks, Bob Johnson

Anonymous said...

Post Labor Day Product Rollout... Finally found really useful information on the topic, thank you.

Anonymous said...

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GDAEman said...

Dear ABC News (

The drum beat for war with Iran is all too familiar. Word is that a campaign to dupe the media is in the works:

I hope ABC isn't duped this time.


Anonymous said...

responding to the comment "In saying this I don't mean that Bush wont go to war, because the Israeli lobby demands it and they have Bush by the nads, only that it will unravel much faster this time."

In fact, Israel has been lobbying for attacking Iran since the 90's. I recommend reading "Target Iran"

Anonymous said...

Nice blog want to visit again

Anonymous said...

The rest of the world was 100% sympathetic to America in the weeks following 9/11.
However we did not support going to war. Canada for one, stayed out and we are happy we did.
We want peace, rule of law, harmony and productive economies.
Bush and co. are ruining our prospects for a safe, secure and decent future. That doesn't mean,however, that we stop being vigilant; it just means that we need to stop warmongering and start exercising some common sense.

Eric said...

Thanks for posting this.

But I want to echo sentiments from other commenters that I don't think it's necessary to pressure Iran.

They have, as far as the IAEA can tell, done nothing wrong. Their only transgression, apparently, is defiance of the west and rejection of dependence on the west - which I can totally understand.

Why don't we stop reflexively condemning Iran for misdeeds that have yet to be committed?

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Nice story

Anonymous said...


Mostly, my friend, I chastise you
Who blindly evil ways pursue.

´Tis hard to change what´s said and done,
If not at home, in Washington--

But you, in that you serve the devil
Supporting war, I´ll treat not level,

But endlessly give words a tilt,
Because my mission will not wilt.

You, that support a crime for crime,
Pretend it as a gay old time,

But I denounce your piety
As falsehood: so it has to be.

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Anonymous said...


Aggression and hypocrisy
(Admitted stated policy)
Will not lead to a safer world,
Despite mustachios proudly twirled--

Yet these my countrymen have failed
To note illusions slowly slipping--
By exigencies hard assailed
As even guilty blood starts dripping.

In panic so proposal´s made--
"Attack Iran, attack Iran!"--
Because, despite outraged tirade
Sure-footedness has come and gone.

So long ago (you may recall)
A deal was made, as trading arms
For hostages, so as to stall
A confrontation´s coming harms:

But soon must sins come home to roost,
(It ought not take one by surprise,)
Yet when all hell has been unloosed
Shall policy avert its eyes?

Ah, well: a people as cannot
Bear to face itself in the mirror,
Shall have to lose, and lose a lot,
Till conscience grows its vision clearer.

Anonymous said...

Nice story

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i going to give my 500 million cents on this >.< kk? ok well, who flew plane into world trade center? not like a care anyways but it was not an Iranian.

So whats this coming to. Russia help iran make nuclear things from what i hear, they happen train some of their pilots too. well, tell you truth, russia doesnt like us, well no not us b/c im not with the USA one bit even though i live in corrupt soil with idiot fascists. you see it every day and do not tell me you dont.

nuke issues..wooooooooooooow if you got so much pride in defending your country or so called "going to war" why dont you send your little "boots" over there to the Iranian border. The Basij is estimate over 12 million men women and children ready to fight for their country AND how many out of 12 million people in the Basij from the 65 million people that live there? yeah, 65 million look it up, if they wanted to, they could force everyone to fight. in dire need iran would force anyone that could use a gun to fight. thats how patriotic they are. after all they have over 7000 years of history OF WAR.

go ahead use nukes and show the suckass amerikan pig selves you truly are.

and sorry, you cant nuke just by saying it. lool stop playing so much "command & conquer" and grow up.

Anonymous said...

i going to give my 500 million cents on this >.< kk? ok well, who flew plane into world trade center? not like a care anyways but it was not an Iranian.

So whats this coming to. Russia help iran make nuclear things from what i hear, they happen train some of their pilots too. well, tell you truth, russia doesnt like us, well no not us b/c im not with the USA one bit even though i live in corrupt soil with idiot fascists. you see it every day and do not tell me you dont.

nuke issues..wooooooooooooow if you got so much pride in defending your country or so called "going to war" why dont you send your little "boots" over there to the Iranian border. The Basij is estimate over 12 million men women and children ready to fight for their country AND how many out of 12 million people in the Basij from the 65 million people that live there? yeah, 65 million look it up, if they wanted to, they could force everyone to fight. in dire need iran would force anyone that could use a gun to fight. thats how patriotic they are. after all they have over 7000 years of history OF WAR.

go ahead use nukes and show the suckass amerikan pig selves you truly are.

and sorry, you cant nuke just by saying it. lool stop playing so much "command & conquer" and grow up.

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ultimate bet -
ultimate bets -
vegas expert -
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action gold -
action golds -
action poker -
action poker casino -
actions poker -
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affiliate lounges -
amber coast -
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paradises poker -
poker in canada -
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refer bingo -
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acf webmaster -
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Anonymous said...

music hall casino -
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noble poker -
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peach casino -
planet luck -
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gold betting -
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el bingo -
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geisha bingo -
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gold betting -
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grand bay poker -
grand casino royale -
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hotel casino network -
internet bingo -
jackpot factory -
jackpot joy -
jackpot wheel -
jet bingo -
juegos 65 -
jupiter club -
king neptunes casino -
lady dream -
lake palace -
mahjong time -
oasis casino -
oyna 65 -
paradise affiliates -
paradise poker -
play 65 -
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poker -
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portofino casino -
race track casino -
refer bingo -
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royal card club -
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slots village -
speed bet -
stars and stripes bingo -
tcads -
tiger gaming -
top line bingo -
trident lounge -
trident poker -
ultimate bet -
vegas experts -
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vics bingo -
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wild jack poker -
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all jackpots -
all slots -
all star affiliates -
aus vegas -
bella vegas -
bet 19 -
bet bet -
bet casino -
bet euro -
bet game day -
bet holdem -
bet on games -
bet on races -
bet wwts -
big bettys bingo -
bingo 777 -
bingo fantasy -

Anonymous said...

bingo hall -
black pool casino -
break away casino -
bright right -
cash wave -
casino lucky dog -
casino pay check -
casino verano -
casino webcam -
city club casino -
cyber sportsbook -
diamond gal -
earn united -
fair deal sports -
fast win casino -
first web casino -
five card charlie -
fortune junction -
go casino -
gold betting -
good as gold casino -
grand bay -
grand bay poker -
grand casino royale -
grand riviera -
hotel casino network -
jackpot factory -
jackpot joy -
jackpots in a flash -
jackpot wheel -
jupiter club -
king neptunes casino -
kiwi bingo -
kiwi bingo uk -
kiwi casino -
kiwi casino poker -
lady dream -
lake palace -
mahjong time -
merlins magic casino -
only bingo -
piggs casino -
piggs peak -
players vegas -
play united -
poker share -
race track casino -
refer spot -
revenue giants -
roxy palace -
roxy poker -
ruby fortune -
sail away casino -
sandpiper casino -
sci fi casino -
shark casino -
spin palace -
spin palace poker -
the six shooter -
the star casino -
tiki bingo -
top card casino -
topline bingo -
trident lounge -
trident poker -
triple win -
ultimate bet -
vegas break casino -
vegas experts -
vegas splendido -
vegas usa -
vip casinos -
vip horses -
vip poker -
vip profits -
vip soccer -
vip sports -
wager profits -
wild jack casino -
wild jack mobile -
wild jack poker -
wssb casino -
wssb sport -
24h poker -
24kt gold casino -
400 affiliates -
9 am -
9 games -
9 poker -
absolute poker -
acf webmaster -
acropolis casinos -
aspinalls online casino -
atlantic lounge -
aztec riches casino -
bet 365 -
bet 365 poker -
bet com -
bet fred -
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blackjack ballroom -
canadas best bingo -
casino 365 -
casino 770 -
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casino partouche -
casino rewards -
casino room -
celeb poker -
cindys poker -
club euro casino -
club uk casino -
club usa casino -
cocoa casino -
crystal palace casino -
da vincis gold -
diamond deal casino -
ecard room -
euro poker -
festive bingo -
flamingo club -
gaming income -
giga slot -
global player -
golden palace -
golden palace bingo -
golden palace mobile -
golden palace poker -
gold nugget casino -
gran casino espana -
grand online -
holdem poker -
i net bet -
inter champs -
island poker -
jackpot palace -
ladies bingo -
las seters -
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my bookie -
nine -
nine games -
nine poker -
online casino -
pacific poker -
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play and deal -
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sia casino -
slot fever casino -
slot land -
slots -
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victor -
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video poker classic -
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action gold -
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affiliate lounge -
amber coast casino -
apues tas -
atlantic lounge -
bet 365 -
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bet on usa -
bets son -
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canadas best bingo -
capital bingo -
casino 365 -
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casino euro -
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cherry casino -
cindys poker -
crystal palace casino -
diamond deal casino -
ecard room -
el bingo -
euro poker -
festive bingo -
galactic bingo -
gaming income -
geisha bingo -
giant vegas -
giga slot -
gran casino espana -
hampton casino -
holdem poker -
i net bet -
inter champs -
internet bingo -
jet bingo -
juegos 65 -
las vegas usa casino -
my bookie -
nine -
nine am -
nine games -
nine poker -
oasis casino -
oyna 65 -
paradise affiliates -
paradise poker -
play 65 -
play and deal -
poker -
poker affiliate -
poker cs -
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poker room -
portofino casino -
pure slots -
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pyramid casino -
refer bingo -
rock my wallet -
royal card club -
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sia casino -
sierra star casino -
slot fever casino -
slot land -
slot scr -
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speed bet -
stars and stripes bingo -
sun palace casino -
tcads -
tiger gaming -
touch stone poker -
true earnings -
twin aces casino -
vegas casino online -
vegas magic -
vics bingo -
video poker classic -
winward casino -
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400 affiliates -
7 sultans -
7 sultans poker -
absolute poker -
aces high -
acropolis casinos -
aspinalls online casino -
aztec riches casino -
aztec riches poker -
bet fred -
bingo promoter -
blackjack ballroom -
captain cooks casino -
captain cooks poker -
caribbean gold -
casino blasters -
casino classic -
casino coins -
casino controller -
casino kingdom -
casino rewards -
celeb poker -
club euro casino -
club uk casino -
club usa casino -
cocoa casino -
college poker championship -
da vincis gold -
desert dollar -
diamond casino -
eight eight eight -
eight eight eight casino -
english habour -
flamingo club -
fortune affiliates -
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rewards parking -
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777 dragon -
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club dice poker -
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diamond club poker -
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ep -
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fair poker -
gambling wages -
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magic oasis -
mapau bingo -
mapau casino -
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Anonymous said...

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noble poker -
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party bingo -
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party poker -
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tiki bingo -
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For sale Brand new Mobile phone Plasma tv , Acer Laptop,sony laptop,Toshiba laptop,video games at cheap prices,all products come with complete accessories and one year international warranty.

Email address :

NOKIA N95 8GB....$400USD
IPHONE 16GB......$350USD
iPHONE 8GB.........$300USD
IPOD 32GB.........$350USD
NOKIA N96.........$500USD
PS3 60GB..........$300USD
SAMSUNG SGH-U900...........$300USD



Display Type 16M colors
Size 480 x 320 pixels
Camera Resolution 2MP
Video Yes
Flashlight No
Connectivity GPRS Yes
3G Yes
WiFi Yes
Bluetooth Yes
Ringtones Type yes
Card slot no
Internal user memory 8gb
Stand-by time Up to 250 hours
Talk time Up to 8 hours
Features Messaging SMS, Email
FM radio No
Games No
Speaker phone Yes
Operating System OS X v10.4.8
Touch-screen Yes
General Network GSM 850 / GSM 900 / GSM 1800 / GSM 1900
Announced 2007, January
Status Available
Size Dimensions 115 x 61 x 11.6 mm
Weight 135 g
Display Type Touchscreen, 16M colors
Size 320 x 480 pixels, 3.5 inches
Multi-touch input method
Accelerometer sensor for auto-rotate
Proximity sensor for auto turn-off
Ringtones Type Polyphonic, MP3
Customization Download
Vibration Yes
3.5 mm headset jack
Memory Phonebook Advanced, Photocall
Call records Yes
Card slot No
4/8 GB shared memory
Data GPRS Yes
3G No
WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11b/g
Bluetooth Yes, v2.0
Infrared port No
USB Yes, v2.0
Features OS Mac OS X v10.4.8
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging
Browser HTML (Safari)
Games Yes
Camera 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels, video
Google Maps
Widgets support
iPod audio/video player
PIM including calendar, to-do list
Photo browser/editor
Voice memo
Integrated handsfree

Battery Standard battery, Li-Ion
Talk time Up to 5 h


Email address :

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dolla77 said...

Brand new Mobile phone Plasma tv , Laptop game at cheap price come with complete accessories with one year international warranty.

Email address :

NOKIA N95 8GB….$400USD
iPHONE 8GB……..$300USD
IPOD 32GB………$350USD
NOKIA N96………$500USD
PS3 60GB……….$300USD
SAMSUNG SGH-U900………..$350USD



General 2G Network GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
3G Network HSDPA 850 / 1900 / 2100 / 1700

Announced 2008, February

Size Dimensions 110 x 53 x 16.7 mm

Weight 145 g

Display Type TFT touchscreen, 65K colors

Size 800 x 480 pixels, 3 inches
- Full QWERTY keyboard
- Optical joystick navigation

Ringtones Type Polyphonic, MP3
Customization Composer, download

Vibration Yes

Memory Phonebook 1000 x 20 fields, Photo call

Call records 30 received, dialed and missed calls
Card slot microSD (TransFlash)
- 400 MB internal memory
- 128MB RAM, 256MB storage memory
- Qualcomm MSM7200 528MHz processor

Data GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps
3G HSDPA, 3.6 Mbps
WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11b/g

Bluetooth Yes, v2.0 with A2DP

Infrared port No
USB Yes, v2.0

Features OS Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.0 Professional
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging
Browser WAP 2.0/HTML (IE), RSS feeds
Games Yes + downloadable

Colors Solid Black, Steel Silver

Camera 3.15 MP, 2048×1536 pixels, autofocus, video(VGA@30fps),
flash; secondary videocall camera
- Built-in GPS receiver
- A-GPS function
- Java MIDP 2.0
- FM radio with RDS
- MP3/AAC/MPEG4 player
- Motion sensor (with UI auto-rotate)
- TrackID music recognition
- Picture editor/blogging
- Organiser
- T9
- Built-in handsfree
- Voice memo/dial

Battery Standard battery, Li-Ion, 1500 mAh


Email address :

Vlad said...

Anonymous said...

nice post

Anonymous said...

We have all brands of Mobile Phones,Ipods,Sidekicks,Nextels phone,Laptops for
sell at cheap and affordable prices, they ranges from Nokia/Samsung/LG/Sony Ericsson/Motorola/Alcatel/panasonic With Bluetooth, all Brands and Models of
Nextel Phones, we want you to get back to us with your quote so that we can
begin a good business relationship. Note they are all Brand New T2 Euro specs,
unlocked, no operator logo, come in their original sealed box, With 1 year
international warranty from the manufacturer, English & Spanish manual,
Finland made. We want to assure you that you will never regret buying from us
because the delivery will be to your doorstep via UPS FedEx Courier service.And
valid Tracking number shall be sent to you upon acknowledgement of
Kindly acknowledge the reciept of our mail and get back to us at:

Samsung P520 Armani====$330usd
BlackBerry Storm 9500…..$350usd
BlackBerry Curve 8900 …$300usd
Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte..$600usd
Nokia 8800 sapphire arte…$500usd
HTC Touch HD ……….$500usd
HTC Touch Pro ……….$400usd
HTC Touch Diamond …$350usd
Samsung omnia i900…..$400usd
Apple iphone 3G 16gb……..$300usd
Sony ericsson C905………$500usd
Nokia n96 16gb…$400usd
Apple iphone 16gb..$350usd
Sony ericsson xperia x1..$400usd
Apple iphone 8gb…..$300usd
Nokia n95 8gb…….$300usd
Ps3 60gb………….$300usd
Samsung U800=====$380USD
Samsung G900====$350usd
Samsung U900=====$350usd
Samsung i780===$340usd
Samsung Serenata====$400usd

Samsung Omnia (i900) Specifications:

• HSDPA (up to 7.2Mbps) / 3G (2100MHz) / EDGE/ GPRS Class 12 / GSM

• 5 Megapixel Camera with Auto-Focus & Power LED flash. Also comes with

face and smile detection, Wide Dynamic Range optimisation and geo-tagging
• 2nd VGA Camera for video telephony
• 65K TFT WQVGA (240×400); 16:9 format
• Multi-Format Music Support (MP3,AAC,AAC+,RM,WMA)
• Background Music Play
• FM Radio
• Light Sensor / Motion Sensor with automatic screen rotation and

etiquette pause
• Digital Photo Frame
• Video Recording (MPEG4, up to 640 x 480 / 3gp)
• Video Playback (DivX, Xvid, MPEG4, H.263, H.264, WMV)
• Video Editor / TV Out function
• Bluetooth v2.0 EDR / USB 2.0 / WiFi 802.11 b/g
• Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
• E-mail ( POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, MS PUSH Mail)
• Windows Live with Windows Mobile Messenger
• Offline Mode / Hands-free Speaker
• Internet Explorer 5 (WEB) / Opera Browser (WAP)
• Full Touch Screen
• Optical Joystick
• RSS Reader / Podcast Manager
• Office Mobile / Internet Sharing
• Java MIDP 2.0
• Marvell PXA312, 624 MHz CPU
• RAM 128MB, ROM 256MB
• Support up to 1000 USIM contacts
• Storage Memory 16GB or 8GB built-in Flash memory; MicroSD expansion slot

tested up to 8GB
• Size: 112 x 56.9 x 12.5mm / 122g
• Phone battery capacity: 1440mAh
• Talk Time: 5.8 hours (2G), 4 hours (3G)
• Standby Time: 500 hours (2G), 400 hours (3G)


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We have all brands of Mobile Phones,Ipods,Sidekicks,Nextels phone,Laptops for
sell at cheap and affordable prices, they ranges from Nokia/Samsung/LG/Sony Ericsson/Motorola/Alcatel/panasonic With Bluetooth, all Brands and Models of
Nextel Phones, we want you to get back to us with your quote so that we can
begin a good business relationship. Note they are all Brand New T2 Euro specs,
unlocked, no operator logo, come in their original sealed box, With 1 year
international warranty from the manufacturer, English & Spanish manual,
Finland made. We want to assure you that you will never regret buying from us
because the delivery will be to your doorstep via UPS FedEx Courier service.And
valid Tracking number shall be sent to you upon acknowledgement of
Kindly acknowledge the reciept of our mail and get back to us at:

Samsung P520 Armani====$330usd
BlackBerry Storm 9500.....$350usd
BlackBerry Curve 8900 ...$300usd
Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte..$600usd
Nokia 8800 sapphire arte...$500usd
HTC Touch HD ..........$500usd
HTC Touch Pro ..........$400usd
HTC Touch Diamond ...$350usd
Samsung omnia i900.....$400usd
Apple iphone 3G 16gb........$300usd
Sony ericsson C905.........$500usd
Nokia n96 16gb...$400usd
Apple iphone 16gb..$350usd
Sony ericsson xperia x1..$400usd
Apple iphone 8gb.....$300usd
Nokia n95 8gb.......$300usd
Ps3 60gb.............$300usd
Samsung U800=====$380USD
Samsung G900====$350usd
Samsung U900=====$350usd
Samsung i780===$340usd
Samsung Serenata====$400usd

Samsung Omnia (i900) Specifications:

• HSDPA (up to 7.2Mbps) / 3G (2100MHz) / EDGE/ GPRS Class 12 / GSM

• 5 Megapixel Camera with Auto-Focus & Power LED flash. Also comes with

face and smile detection, Wide Dynamic Range optimisation and geo-tagging
• 2nd VGA Camera for video telephony
• 65K TFT WQVGA (240×400); 16:9 format
• Multi-Format Music Support (MP3,AAC,AAC+,RM,WMA)
• Background Music Play
• FM Radio
• Light Sensor / Motion Sensor with automatic screen rotation and

etiquette pause
• Digital Photo Frame
• Video Recording (MPEG4, up to 640 x 480 / 3gp)
• Video Playback (DivX, Xvid, MPEG4, H.263, H.264, WMV)
• Video Editor / TV Out function
• Bluetooth v2.0 EDR / USB 2.0 / WiFi 802.11 b/g
• Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
• E-mail ( POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, MS PUSH Mail)
• Windows Live with Windows Mobile Messenger
• Offline Mode / Hands-free Speaker
• Internet Explorer 5 (WEB) / Opera Browser (WAP)
• Full Touch Screen
• Optical Joystick
• RSS Reader / Podcast Manager
• Office Mobile / Internet Sharing
• Java MIDP 2.0
• Marvell PXA312, 624 MHz CPU
• RAM 128MB, ROM 256MB
• Support up to 1000 USIM contacts
• Storage Memory 16GB or 8GB built-in Flash memory; MicroSD expansion slot

tested up to 8GB
• Size: 112 x 56.9 x 12.5mm / 122g
• Phone battery capacity: 1440mAh
• Talk Time: 5.8 hours (2G), 4 hours (3G)
• Standby Time: 500 hours (2G), 400 hours (3G)


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Anonymous said...

We have all brands of Mobile Phones,Ipods,Sidekicks,Nextels phone,Laptops for
sell at cheap and affordable prices, they ranges from Nokia/Samsung/LG/Sony Ericsson/Motorola/Alcatel/panasonic/iphone With Bluetooth, all Brands and Models of
Nextel Phones, we want you to get back to us with your quote so that we can
begin a good business relationship. Note they are all Brand New T2 Euro specs,
unlocked, no operator logo, come in their original sealed box, With 1 year
international warranty from the manufacturer, English & Spanish manual,
Finland made.
Kindly acknowledge the reciept of our mail and get back to us at:

Samsung P520 Armani====$330usd
BlackBerry Storm 9500.....$350usd
BlackBerry Curve 8900 ...$300usd
Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte..$600usd
Nokia 8800 sapphire arte...$500usd
HTC Touch HD ..........$500usd
HTC Touch Pro ..........$400usd
HTC Touch Diamond ...$350usd
Samsung omnia i900.....$400usd
Apple iphone 3G 16gb........$300usd
Sony ericsson C905.........$500usd
Nokia n96 16gb...$400usd
Apple iphone 16gb..$350usd
Sony ericsson xperia x1..$350usd
Apple iphone 8gb.....$300usd
Nokia n95 8gb.......$300usd
Ps3 60gb.............$300usd
Samsung U800=====$380USD
Samsung G900====$350usd
Samsung U900=====$350usd
Samsung i780===$340usd
Samsung Serenata====$400usd

Samsung Omnia (i900) Specifications:

• HSDPA (up to 7.2Mbps) / 3G (2100MHz) / EDGE/ GPRS Class 12 / GSM

• 5 Megapixel Camera with Auto-Focus & Power LED flash. Also comes with

face and smile detection, Wide Dynamic Range optimisation and geo-tagging
• 2nd VGA Camera for video telephony
• 65K TFT WQVGA (240×400); 16:9 format
• Multi-Format Music Support (MP3,AAC,AAC+,RM,WMA)
• Background Music Play
• FM Radio
• Light Sensor / Motion Sensor with automatic screen rotation and

etiquette pause
• Digital Photo Frame
• Video Recording (MPEG4, up to 640 x 480 / 3gp)
• Video Playback (DivX, Xvid, MPEG4, H.263, H.264, WMV)
• Video Editor / TV Out function
• Bluetooth v2.0 EDR / USB 2.0 / WiFi 802.11 b/g
• Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
• E-mail ( POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, MS PUSH Mail)
• Windows Live with Windows Mobile Messenger
• Offline Mode / Hands-free Speaker
• Internet Explorer 5 (WEB) / Opera Browser (WAP)
• Full Touch Screen
• Optical Joystick
• RSS Reader / Podcast Manager
• Office Mobile / Internet Sharing
• Java MIDP 2.0
• Marvell PXA312, 624 MHz CPU
• RAM 128MB, ROM 256MB
• Support up to 1000 USIM contacts
• Storage Memory 16GB or 8GB built-in Flash memory; MicroSD expansion slot

tested up to 8GB
• Size: 112 x 56.9 x 12.5mm / 122g
• Phone battery capacity: 1440mAh
• Talk Time: 5.8 hours (2G), 4 hours (3G)
• Standby Time: 500 hours (2G), 400 hours (3G)


Anonymous said...

We have all brands of Mobile Phones,Ipods,Sidekicks,Nextels phone,Laptops for
sell at cheap and affordable prices, they ranges from Nokia/Samsung/LG/Sony Ericsson/Motorola/Alcatel/panasonic/iphone With Bluetooth, all Brands and Models of
Nextel Phones, we want you to get back to us with your quote so that we can
begin a good business relationship. Note they are all Brand New T2 Euro specs,
unlocked, no operator logo, come in their original sealed box, With 1 year
international warranty from the manufacturer, English & Spanish manual,
Finland made.
Kindly acknowledge the reciept of our mail and get back to us at:

Samsung P520 Armani====$330usd
BlackBerry Storm 9500…..$350usd
BlackBerry Curve 8900 …$300usd
Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte..$600usd
Nokia 8800 sapphire arte…$500usd
HTC Touch HD ……….$500usd
HTC Touch Pro ……….$400usd
HTC Touch Diamond …$350usd
Samsung omnia i900…..$400usd
Apple iphone 3G 16gb……..$300usd
Sony ericsson C905………$500usd
Nokia n96 16gb…$400usd
Apple iphone 16gb..$350usd
Sony ericsson xperia x1..$350usd
Apple iphone 8gb…..$300usd
Nokia n95 8gb…….$300usd
Ps3 60gb………….$300usd
Samsung U800=====$380USD
Samsung G900====$350usd
Samsung U900=====$350usd
Samsung i780===$340usd
Samsung Serenata====$400usd

Samsung Omnia (i900) Specifications:

• HSDPA (up to 7.2Mbps) / 3G (2100MHz) / EDGE/ GPRS Class 12 / GSM

• 5 Megapixel Camera with Auto-Focus & Power LED flash. Also comes with

face and smile detection, Wide Dynamic Range optimisation and geo-tagging
• 2nd VGA Camera for video telephony
• 65K TFT WQVGA (240×400); 16:9 format
• Multi-Format Music Support (MP3,AAC,AAC+,RM,WMA)
• Background Music Play
• FM Radio
• Light Sensor / Motion Sensor with automatic screen rotation and

etiquette pause
• Digital Photo Frame
• Video Recording (MPEG4, up to 640 x 480 / 3gp)
• Video Playback (DivX, Xvid, MPEG4, H.263, H.264, WMV)
• Video Editor / TV Out function
• Bluetooth v2.0 EDR / USB 2.0 / WiFi 802.11 b/g
• Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
• E-mail ( POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, MS PUSH Mail)
• Windows Live with Windows Mobile Messenger
• Offline Mode / Hands-free Speaker
• Internet Explorer 5 (WEB) / Opera Browser (WAP)
• Full Touch Screen
• Optical Joystick
• RSS Reader / Podcast Manager
• Office Mobile / Internet Sharing
• Java MIDP 2.0
• Marvell PXA312, 624 MHz CPU
• RAM 128MB, ROM 256MB
• Support up to 1000 USIM contacts
• Storage Memory 16GB or 8GB built-in Flash memory; MicroSD expansion slot

tested up to 8GB
• Size: 112 x 56.9 x 12.5mm / 122g
• Phone battery capacity: 1440mAh
• Talk Time: 5.8 hours (2G), 4 hours (3G)
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Why would a Union who represents workers think that it was okay to remove Labor Day as a Holiday?

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How many people who advocate an Iran War would favor a war against China?

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